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The Wild Ways (2011)

The Wild Ways (2011)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
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0756406862 (ISBN13: 9780756406868)

About book The Wild Ways (2011)

I think one of the things I love best about this series is the way it is paranormal without feeling like a paranormal book. It's more of a straight-up fantasy that just happens to take place in modern-day Canada. The family dynamics of the Gales is as captivating as ever. And Charlie... such a cool, bad-ass character. I was really glad when I started reading and discovered she was the focus of this story. A truly enjoyable, evenly paced novel. Definitely one I'd recommend to fantasy fans or paranormal readers looking for something a little different. Another entry in the Gale family series, this story focuses on Charlotte Gale, a Wild Power with commitment issues, who comes into her full power through adversity. The story hinges on environmental activists who happen to be Selkies, their enemy - an oil drilling company, and one Wild Power Gale woman against another. Jack, the Dragon Prince and recent Gale addition, also features prominently in the tale.

Do You like book The Wild Ways (2011)?

This would be three stars if not for the fact that it's about Charlie. I fucking love Charlie.

Ok, this series is growing on me. lgbt presence is nice.

An entertaining follow up to The Enchantment Emporium.

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