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Series: Gale Women

by Author Tanya Huff


The Wild Ways (2011)

I think one of the things I love best about this series is the way it is paranormal without feeling like a paranormal book. It's more of a straight-up fantasy that just happens to take place in modern-day Canada. The family dynamics of the Gales is as captivating as ever. And Charlie... such a co...

The Wild Ways (2011) by Tanya Huff

Potere selvaggio (2012)

I'm glad I re-read the Enchantment Emporium before starting this, as I had forgotten a lot of the details of the Gales / Fey / Dragons, in the couple of years since.I enjoyed Charlies story, she had appeared as a character in the first book, so it was nice to follow her story and leave the Empori...

Potere selvaggio (2012) by Tanya Huff

Enchantment Emporium, The (2010)

This is the story of a woman coming into her own as a manipulator of arcane power. It runs in her family. There are many women in the family and few men. He grandmother disappears and she must go to Calgary to take care of her estate and ends up solving a problem with the help of first her gen...

Enchantment Emporium, The (2010) by Tanya Huff

L'emporio degli incanti (2010)

I like Tanya Huff's writing. She's funny, matter-of-fact, imaginative, with great casts of characters. Sort of like a Diana Wynne Jones for adults! I enjoyed this first Gale book very much. The family dynamics, short and sweet relationship, and the heroine's growth as a character were great. All ...

L'emporio degli incanti (2010) by Tanya Huff

The Enchantment Emporium (2009)

I was pretty excited when I saw this on my reading list for my English 1B class, because I totally judge books by their cover and a giant dragon on the cover led me to believe that it was going to a total kick ass story. But sadly, it wasn't as great as I expected. Sex was a big part of this nove...

The Enchantment Emporium (2009) by Tanya Huff