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The Pursuit (2006)

The Pursuit (2006)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
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0061131156 (ISBN13: 9780061131158)

About book The Pursuit (2006)

'Seringkali asumsi, persepsi, dan prasangka , membuat manusia cenderung memberi kesimpulan dan cap/stigma mengenai sifat, karakter seseorang.'Membaca sinopsisnya sepintas mengingatkan cerita film Satu Mawar Tiga Duri. Cerita tentang keponakan yang dikagumi banyak pria dan kemudian para pengagumnya itu mundur teratur setelah berhadapan dengan para paman yang dengan berbagai lagak dan aksi berusaha memupuskan harapan para pengagum keponakannya. Namun demikian cerita The Pursuit tidak sesederhana itu..Novel The Pursuit ini lebih banyak bercerita tentang Lincoln Ross Burnett ketimbang Melissa MacGregor.Pertemuan pertama Linc dan Meli membawa kesan mendalam, sehingga Linc tidak merasa ragu/gentar menyatakan sikapnya kepada ayah Meli bahwa Linc tertarik dan ingin mengenal lebih jauh Melissa MacGregor dengan maksud baik. Yang tidak Linc duga, Meli punya 16 orang paman yang menyayangi dan melindungi Meli dan ternyata para paman itu merupakan musuh bebuyutannya di masa kanak-kanak Linc. 16 orang paman, ckckck jumlah yang menakjubkan dengan berbagai sifat yang benar-benar bikin naik pitam lawan, hehehe....Jadi bisa dibayangkan bagaimana ulah para paman dalam menghalangi Linc & Meli untuk melakukan penjajakan lebih dalam. Di mata para paman, Linc tidak layak untuk meli.Berbagai cara dilakukan para paman, karena menurut para paman, Linc yang mereka kenal dulu adalah seorang yang 'gila', temperamental dan para paman ini tidak ingin Meli hidupnya merana kelak.Linc berusaha menjelaskan perangainya di masa kanak-kanak kepada paman2 Meli dan meyakinkannya bahwa dia tidak gila dan dia mampu mengendalikan emosinya. Tapi apa yg dilakukan para paman Meli ? Mereka membuang Linc ke China !Ulah para paman Meli tidak menyurutkan tekad Linc untuk mendapatkan Melissa. Linc bersedia mengikuti irama dan gaya yang dimainkan 16 orang paman dan orang tua Meli untuk menguji ketulusan dan pengendalian emosi jiwanya serta berdamai dengan para paman Meli.Kini Linc merasa semua hambatan dan ujian telah dilalui dengan baik, dan dengan suka cita dia akan melangkah pasti meraih kebahagiannya bersama Meli. Namun ternyata ujian kendali diri itu belum usai tatkala terkuak dan terungkapnya rahasia terbesar kedua orang tuanya. Kini mampukah Linc menghadapi semua ini dengan tetap berdiri tegar serta merasa pantas mendampingi Meli ?Baca novel ini membuat kita ikut merasakan apa yang dialami Linc. Perjalanan hidup Lincoln Ross Burnett menguras emosi pembaca. Dia adalah pria yang terbuang selama 19 tahun. Semua berawal saat ayah yang dia cintai mengalami kecelakaan yang berakibat kematian. Dan sejak itu ibu yang dicintainya berubah sikap bahkan mengurung diri. Sementara dia masih berkutat dengan duka yang mendalam, dia berselisih dengan satu-satunya sahabat yang dia miliki yang berujung dengan perkelahian dan permusuhan berkepanjangan. Dan seolah semua itu belum cukup, sang ibu mengirimkan Linc ke London.

This was a wildly intriguing novel. Lindsey took us for a number of spins. I couldn’t even start to guess where it was going to end at any point in time. It was suspenseful, but without the usual danger accompanying that suspense. The solid storyline definitely sparked my interest throughout and kept me on my toes.The main characters in this novel were quite unique. I don’t think I’ve ever seen quite this approach in a historical romance. I loved getting to know them so well. Their histories added to who they are today, even if it wasn’t always in a positive manner. They were a joy to get to know. I definitely had some issues with the uncles. They were developed as a single entity, with few of them having any bearing outside of this. For a while there it was really starting to feel like the entire premise of the story had changed to ‘we were wrong, we actually started the whole thing, but we don’t care, we’re still getting our way even though it’s none of our business.’ Needless to say, they got on my nerves (and those of most of the characters) throughout the novel. Fortunately the rest of the cast & the original (and at times quite comical) storyline outshone this.As a whole, the various elements of this story combined into an enjoyable reading experience for me. It wasn’t my favourite of Lindsey’s novels, but it was still a good read.

Do You like book The Pursuit (2006)?

First, of all I love Johanna Lindsey. I have all of her books inhardback. Second of all, this is the lowest rating I have ever given. This story is the third story after "Man of my Dreams" and "Love me Forever." I truly enjoyed the previous two and was all set to enjoy this one, but I simply could not get into it. There was just not enough interaction between Melissa and Lincoln. All the attention seemed to be focused on the brothers/uncles (who by the way I got tired of immediatelyafter their introduction.) I was so frustrated by the story that I would just jump ahead whenever the brothers/uncles appeared. Then I just stopped reading it completely. Lindsey is one of my favorite authors and I will definitely get her next book in hardback. I just couldn't get through this one.
—Jody Austin

This book was sooo boring/pointless with NO chemistry btw the two leads!!! I first read this a long time ago and what I remembered as clear as day was being unable to finish because of its lackluster characters. Prime example of a terribly executed story (tho the plot was lame as well) with passionless leads. I could care less about the heroine's numerous protectors, trying to keep her away from the H all because of some stupid misconception that he was crazy. But then again, it's not as if I was at all into the H/h's "romance," being the snooze-fest that it was. It was simply, both fall for each other at first sight and that's spark, nothing that could engage me. At the time it was my first JL, but luckily I didn't look at the author's name or it would have permanently turned me off of all her books. Since then, I have loved some of her older works. I'm almost convinced that she didn't even write this book since it's nothing like her earlier works.
—Usagi77777772003 Chi

I think this was actually my second time thru this story, but Johanna Lindsey writes such good ones, its hard to take a break, the 2nd time thru as well. She always makes such enjoyable Scottsmen. They are charming to follow along.Ages ago, I read the story that brought Melanie's parents together, and now I'm following their daughter. It would be good to read about Kimberly's brothers and how they fair with romance and marriage.It was a shame Linc had to wait so long to get the approval of Lachlan and Kimberly but persistance pays off.Johanna Lindsey is ALWAYS a good read!

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