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The Power Of Two (2001)

The Power of Two (2001)

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0613366107 (ISBN13: 9780613366106)
turtleback books

About book The Power Of Two (2001)

I have mixed feelings about this book. I read it a decade ago, maybe even more. As a child I loved this series, and I continued to love it even into my teens. Now that I am older I can't help but notice some flaws and wonder how I was not confused as a child. In the first installment of the T*witches series, Cam and Alex are twins who were separated at birth and run into each other at an amusement park. After a tragedy, Alex moves in with Cam and together they solve "The Case of the Missing Pop Star". There are also a few other elements in this book that are touched upon throughout the series, such as a murderous uncle and a missing mother, albeit briefly. When I started reading this book, I was surprised how long it took Alex and Cam to meet. As a child it seemed so quick. I also have a hard time faulting the book on its slow pace when it allows you a lot of time to get to know Cam and Alex's worlds. Without a good understanding of their worlds the girls come off as bratty and annoyingly sarcastic at times. They still are, but you understand where it comes from. What really shocked me was the horrible construction of time. For example: One moment Cam and Alex are instant messaging each other. Alex suddenly senses something and leaves. Cam then decides to ask her parents if she was adopted. She confronts them (same day!). Right then Alex shows up at her front door, and it is supposed to be three days after she sensed something. There were other moments when time didn't make sense or felt off. I'm also really torn about the characters. They ride the line of being stereo-types. The only thing that makes me hesitate to say they are, is because there is more to them than their characteristics. They have friends, family, homes, and many more things that support their characteristics while also making them individuals. Again, it is a fine line. However, as a kid I loved Alex. I thought she was the coolest person ever, and I still like her the most. This book may not be for adults, but as a kid I loved it. I loved it so much that scenes of the series are engrained in my head, like when Alex's boyfriend calls her a "little cabbage" in french, or the annoyance I felt when Cam got stuck in a love triangle, the twins first birthday party together, the fact that one of the antagonist had brown eyes in one book and then had blue ones in another, and so much more. There's something to love about this book, even with its flaws.

Twitches: the power of twoby randi reisfeldppg308 usascholastic incisbn 0439544106Twitches is about a pair of twins who were separated not too long after they were give birth to. The pair of twins possess special powers through genetics from their parents. Their powers originated from the 2 Greek gods, Apollo(a) & Artemis. Their uncle wanted their power to dominate the world & in the process of his plan, he killed their father.The uncle tries to steal the baby twins at birth to take advantage of their powers to take over the world. The power of 2 are stronger then alone. When combined, their powers are the strongest. When joined, their great power awakens. Great power is very easily sensed by their uncle, therefore it would be easier to find them. That is the reason why the two were separated at birth; their mother put them far away from each other so their uncle can't find them.I would recommend this book for teenagers because teenagers are normally interested in supernatural things. Some teens like to read about magic, fantasy,etc. I think this book would bring a lot of thrill to the reader. This is book is full mystery & suspense. Great for people who love to interpret what happens next.

Do You like book The Power Of Two (2001)?

Twins and Witches! What could be better? Well except the fact that their destinies are intertwined for a greater purpose in another world where they were born in and only by working together can they defeat the darkness that threatens to consume it all. Yeah, that’s a lot of pressure for a pair of twins who have actually been separated at birth only to find each other in their teenage years. Camryn and Alex are exact opposites but for some reason they make the perfect sisters in this thrilling novel. With their fates tied to both the human world and their birth world, Camryn and Alex have to cope with far more than the typical teenager. This novel along with the rest of the series is one story I wouldn’t mind reading again and again as I get older. It’s truly a series for any age that has a knack for fantasy and mystery. Themes:Two worlds (The idea that there are other worlds beside our own)Magical realismTrust (trusting a stranger in hope’s for a brighter future)Self-discovery (discovering one’s purpose: Twins destinies in both worlds)

The Good: At its core, this was an enjoyable "young adult" drama that didn't have the content problems--illicit sex, profanity, etc.--that have plagued many a book intended for the teen crowd. It's different than the Disney Channel interpretation, but, in some ways, that's actually better. The story takes many twists and turns, but kept me going the whole way through.The Bad: Though I liked the book as a whole, I did think one character's disparaging remark about God was unnecessary. Some discerning readers may take offense to that.Conclusion: If you're going into this expecting a novelization of the DCOM, you're going to be disappointed...but, if you're reading this for its own merits, you'll probably enjoy it, unless you don't care for any media that deals with magic.Score: 4/5

Loved these when I was younger, obsessively bought the bought the books, searched for as much info as I could about them.. even wrote fan fiction lol -_- cringe..And I remember being completely outraged at the horrible movie adaptations churned out by Disney. I know if I came across these books now I'd probably choke with laughter at their terribleness (from what I can remember they were cheesy, even my love for the series could discern that. I think my mum gave all my books away one time including these, I was so upset XDEven though Id give them at most a 2/5, because of my fond memories they deserve an extra star :D

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