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Building A Mystery (2001)

Building a Mystery (2001)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 5
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0439240719 (ISBN13: 9780439240710)
scholastic paperbacks

About book Building A Mystery (2001)

I keep reading these books not because they're written super well, or because the characters are amazing (though I get increasingly attached to Alex), or because the plots are unique. I just like them. It's a quick, mindless read about a bunch of teenage rich girls who talk like they're from the past (which they ARE) and eat a lot of pizza and think they're really awesome. It reminds me of myself at that age - I was even into "wicca" or what not in middle school. Had like fifty books on it and collected incense and colored candles. So reading these is kind of fun and a little nostalgic.I liked this book a little better than the first one, the writing seemed slightly more developed, but the "mystery" wasn't really anything it all. It kind of reminds me of the third Harry Potter book (I am NOT comparing them, I promise, Harry's much better!!!) because it seemed like more of a transitional book rather than a plot furthering book. I felt like this one was more Cam and Alex getting to know each other and growing on their abilities (though there isn't a lot of growing, I must admit) and learning to work together. And Alex getting used to being in Marble Bay with a different family and different friends - that part is actually developed pretty decently. Alex is by far the more developed character, she has more going for her than Cam. Most people are profoundly irritated by the "teen speak" in the book, but I must point out that these were written in the nineties and by adults, and meant for like 12-14 year olds. That IS how they spoke because they thought it was cool. Tweens speak like that! I know, I was one. And a lot of what they say I recognize from teen dramas from the nineties, too. So let up on it. It's like complaining about the dorky outfits in the Anita Blake books. Yeah, they're ridiculous, but THAT'S HOW THEY DRESSED IN THE NINETIES!!!

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