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Seeing Is Deceiving (2001)

Seeing Is Deceiving (2001)

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3.63 of 5 Votes: 1
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0439240727 (ISBN13: 9780439240727)
scholastic inc.

About book Seeing Is Deceiving (2001)

1.5 starsBook 3 in the T*Witches series. This was barely OK. First off, these girls live in Massachusetts; nothing wrong with that; but in the last book it was Halloween (their birthday) and now it's a few weeks later and this book covers a few weeks too. Hello, where's Thanksgiving? Secondly, they go to the first winter dance of the season in this book but yet they're still running around and going on 2-mile bike rides in t-shirts and sweaters!Thirdly, when do they play these soccer games that they are having mandatory practice for since back in September?Forth, at the winter dance the band plays "Still Like That Old Time Rock N Roll". Really? I was in high school when that song was current and it wasn't played at school dances even then!Fifth, ah forget it.I don't like these books, I don't recommend them even for lovers of anything paranormal.

This book does a good job of advancing Alex and Cam's relationship with, not only each other, but with the other people in their lives. Having said that, it falls flat in other areas. Thantos comes off melodramatic and the Coventry island council comes off as weak. They're the ruling body of witches and warlocks and they can't assert their power? The inter-connecting plot threads worked well together, but I think the authors dropped the ball on the plot (view spoiler)[of Alex's 'father'. It's mentioned briefly at the beginning of the story and then dropped at the end of the book. The authors could have made something into it. An overarching plot for several books. (hide spoiler)]

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