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The Pigman's Legacy (1984)

The Pigman's Legacy (1984)

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0553265997 (ISBN13: 9780553265996)

About book The Pigman's Legacy (1984)

spoilers: Absolute worst book ever, even worse than the first: how that is possible, I don't know, because the first was pretty bad. This book is just a heap of random: a hobo in the pigman's house, and a lunch lady - yawwwwn, wow, I'm not even captivated. And I don't find anything funny either. And then they get the old man fudge for some reason: because they're stupid pieces of crap who don't learn from the first time they killed an old man. So they hop in a car and drive around, and - that's about all they do for most of it, and it's incredibly boring - oh, and the guy sleeps. Then they meet the lunch lady who doesn't get much character development so I really don't understand who she is that well; and then, they all get in a car and go gambling! Yep, quite a party! An old hobo, a lunch lady, and two kids - a lunch lady, just letting two kids skip school! People wonder why I mock it? It's obvious. It's unrealistic. John loses all the money cause he's a piece of crap, and of course, Dolly and the hobo forgive him. Then the hobo has a heart attack. So predictable. Then, at the hospital, they kids are going to and fro trying to find a preacher so Dolly and the hobo guy can marry before the hobo guy dies. I really don't care because the character development is terrible, but the ending was what kindles my rage. They don't even talk about his death really, how lazy. Lazy, lazy, lazy - not addressing the death, not addressing Dolly's grief, not these kids feeling any pain or dealing with their elders. Nope, nothing like that, they look at nursery of babies. * tears hair out* WHY IN THE NAME OF GOD ARE THEY LOOKING AT BABIES! THEY'RE TEENAGERS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Oh, I just wanted to throw this book, burn it, that's how bad it was. The ending was so bad, so lazy - so no more. This is the last book I ever read by this terrible author because he obviously has no imagination or originality, and tries way to hard to show symbolism and sentiments. But he's not even good at that. Worst author ever, worst book ever. I don't recommend it, don't waist your time. It's surprising our elders have the gaul to chastise what we read and yet this is the crap they throw at us. This is not literature, it's garbage. So don't tell me what to read, because I choose way better books than this. For once, let us choose. Let us discover. Don't take the joy of reading away from people by ruining for them. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP!

Do you believe in miracles? John and Lorraine give you an amazing story about trying to find their legacy that the Pigman left them. One day the two sophomores decide to stroll down to the Pigman's house. To their surprise they find an old man who took advantage of the vacant house. At first, the kids didn't want anything to do with the old man, but soon they would realize that he would help them find their legacy. Along with the help of the school's janitor Dolly, John, Lorraine, and the old man go on quite a journey with plenty of twists and surprises. I thought the writing in this book was very well written. It seemed like I was there in the story. I really enjoyed the end of the book, especially when the Colonel wanted to marry Dolly. This is the second book of the Pigman series, and if there was a third book, I would read it. I recommend this book, and the first Pigman book to a classmate.

Do You like book The Pigman's Legacy (1984)?

I wish the colonel hadn't died but I loved how it ended, well the last paragraphs- ' "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," John said so gently and sincerely my entire body heard. We turned toward each other, holding on to one another there in front of that glass wall that I felt held the answer to every mystery of what we were doing on this earth to begin with. Our bodies were touching and there was no shame, there was no fear, there was no Death. Love. That was our legacy-the gift which had come to us through our Pigman. Our legacy was love.

Having read the first part of the 2-part series of this book in high-school, I tried reading the other part, once I graduated high-school. Although geared to the younger-generation, this book was a bit interesting to read. The chapters very quick and light, and I was able to get through a few chapters a day(I finished this book in about 4 days-due to other thing also present on my to-do list at the time). If you've read the first part, you'll thoroughly enjoy this second part of the series of two books.

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