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Paul Zindel

Paul Zindel
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Books by Paul Zindel


The Pigman's Legacy (1984)

spoilers: Absolute worst book ever, even worse than the first: how that is possible, I don't know, because the first was pretty bad. This book is just a heap of random: a hobo in the pigman's house, and a lunch lady - yawwwwn, wow, I'm not even captivated. And I don't find anything funny either. ...

The Pigman's Legacy (1984) by Paul Zindel

The Pigman (2015)

The book “the pigman” is written by the author Paul Zindel, it’s about three people who form a friendship that they would never forget. John, Lorraine and Mr. Angelo pignati also known as the pigman, the book is a very interesting read like how the chapters are shared between john and Lorraine wh...

The Pigman (2015) by Paul Zindel

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