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The Gates Of Paradise (2013)

The Gates of Paradise (2013)

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4.12 of 5 Votes: 2
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Disney Hyperion

About book The Gates Of Paradise (2013)

Can't believe it took me years before I finally got the chance of finishing this series. It was one of my favorite series back in my college days. I can still remember those sleepless nights wherein all I did was read and read. It was one of those cases where I graduated college and got excited about working life that I forgot all those pending books I still got to finish. And when I finally have the time to read again there are new books in book stores that caught my attention. I know, I'm sorry about that. I've learned my lesson now.This story is still wonderful and it still took me to that magical world of fallen angels and vampires. Still got that magic that pulls me loser to it all those years ago. I thought this series would be one of those stories wherein the heroin will survive but she will forever be lonely because her love didn't survive the epic battle between good and evil. I was still reading 'Lost in Time' when it settled to me that either Abbadon or Azrael will have to die in the end. I kind of accepted it to myself, that Schuyler may not have a happy ending in this cycle. But what do you know, I guess until the end it was a 'happily ever after' story after all. -arjoy liked that series a lot (it was a good choice when going and coming home from work, in a very busy period)I enjoyed almost all the adventures of the heroes, and I kinda liked them. Most of all, I liked the last book, where the author had well organised what was going to happen and how she was going to show it to us. For me, that is the most important thing in a book series, followed but many books and taken many to years to be written. I was sure that all the heroes were going to have a happy ending and was kind of shocked for the hero who died near the end, but the epilogue cliffhanger was what needed to be done in the end!Melissa de la Cruz is an interesting writer and i'll absoluterly read other series of hers in the near future. Maybe it was not a life changing book, but it kept good company!

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LOVE IT!!! I couldn't put it down. I'm so sad it's over what a great book/ series

So many typos it was painful.


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