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The Flight Of The Phoenix (2009)

The Flight of the Phoenix (2009)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 5
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0547238657 (ISBN13: 9780547238654)
Houghton Mifflin Books for Children

About book The Flight Of The Phoenix (2009)

After reading LaFevers' Theodosia Throckmorton series, I was excited to dig into her Nathaniel Fludd books. I was disappointed.The first book in the series is written on a much lower level than the Theodosia Throckmorton books. I would classify "The Flight of the Phoenix" as a middle reader as opposed to young adult for Theodosia Throckmorton.Second, the story line just wasn't well developed and I think that should have been more obvious to me as this book was only 140 pages in length compared to 400 pages in each of the four books of the Theodosia Throckmorton series. There were a lot of fun ideas. But, I never felt attached to the action like I did with Theodosia.LaFevers opens a lot of new questions in the final chapter of the book that should have left me feeling like getting the remaining three books in the series. But, I am just not confident that the ideas will be as well developed as my expectations. Theodosia is a tough act to follow.3 STARS based on it being a passable middle reader. Less than that based on my expectations. Fludds have always been explorers and adventurers. Nate's parents have gone on an adventure, promising to send for him when he turns eight. But, they never do. And when their airship goes down and they are listed as "missing at sea", Nate must go and live with a relative he doesn't know. Nate is haunted by questions as to why they didn't send for him. Did they not think he could be of help? Nate goes to live with Aunt Phil who is a beastologist. “A beastologist is someone who studies beasts. Not any old beast, mind you. Only Unusual beasts. Like dodos. Or Basilisks, or griffens, or manticores and the like.” This is explained to Nate by Cornelius, a talking dodo. One day after arriving at Aunt Phil's, she is taking Nate to Arabia to assist with the birth of a Phoenix. Nate feels like it is his “last chance to prove that he was up to the task of being a Fludd.” Mysteries abound throughout: Why didn't Nate's parents send letters back as all Fludd explorers are required to do? Who is the man who tries to steal The Book of Beasts while they're at the oasis? What crazy thing will Greasle the Gremlin do next? Nice early adventure series for students with an interest in mythological creatures.

Do You like book The Flight Of The Phoenix (2009)?

I thought BEASTOLOGIST was a great book though it was short. Otherwise it was a good book.

Jejeje, somebody passed me the Kindle version, I liked it, it was original.

It is a very quick good book!! I read it in 30 minutes!!

A very enjoyable tale. Can't wait to read book 2.

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