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The Flesh Cartel #14: Independence Day (2014)

The Flesh Cartel #14: Independence Day (2014)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 5
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1626490759 (ISBN13: 9781626490758)
Riptide Publishing

About book The Flesh Cartel #14: Independence Day (2014)

One star for shortcuts. The proverb in my mother tongue warns that people who take shortcuts do not return home. Dear Ladies took shortcuts in CF14 at least twice, twice in pivotal moments for me and both times missed home. Firstly, If your aim, dear Ladies, was to convinced me that “Matt wasn't rescued like damsel in distress”, you failed miserably. The evidence are against Nate's high opinion about Matt and strongly support Maria's point (see discussion under my review of FC6 when Maria was the first person to suggest that boys would never be able to free themselves; how right she was!) . Matt plotted , plotted and plotted out nothing except for scaring to death the poor Riginald. Thanks God Riginald was badly trained (equals not totally brain washed, like other slaves were or some of those idiots wished to be) and he didn't rat on him. Matt killed time by killing people and with every homicide he was further and further from freedom. His escape was hard testimony to how right Petrovice was in his opinion about him and how miserably he failed in his assumptions about the younger brother. Matt is free because Petrovic so beautifully underestimated Douglas. I assume that even in his wildest dreams Petrovic didn't foresee that it would be Douglas who, in such unspectacular way, would manumit his older brother. Secondly, and probably this is the forth time when I have to mention this: where are these promised Matt's intellectual abilities to defeat Petrovic. Even if Matt had read “The Times” instead of “Time” (what kind of newsletter it is?!) or even better - “The New York Review of Books” - it wouldn't have convinced me about his sharp reasoning. For 14 books you didn't offer, dear Ladies, Matt any chance, even the smallest, the tiniest, insignificant victory to show that he is able to conceive immediate action or sharp answer to deflect Petrovic's plans (not mentioning long term strategy to counter Petrovic's machinations and warm my heart). For 4 long seasons Matt was a pawn: first in the cartel hands, then in Patrovic's and now he is a pawn in FBI game. Give him a chance to grow balls, to be a man! He is going back to Petrovic to beg him to release Douglas? And you expect me to respect him? And even worse, you really expect me to believe that Petrovic, how blurb suggests, “will deliver” even knowing it would destroy him. So, Matt will explain him his mission, and then Petrovic, for the sake of some fuck-hole, which he can have so many as he wants (they come with the tiny price of $ 1 000 000 but afterwords they can be altered, crippled, tortured, broken and killed for sport), will turn back to his whole life and world. Fat chance. I set my hard requirements for a satisfactory end long time ago. It's not the destruction of the cartel or monsters' death. In fact I didn't feel anything when Matt killed “Daddy” - no satisfaction or relief. I know I will feel the same if Matt kills Allan or Petrovic (the only exception is of course Roger's demise). Only by conquering Petrovic in his own game, on his own field, Matt can save his reputation and earn calm consciousness. PS.The blurb to CF 19 informs only about homosexual couples. Is that correct? Douglas will be gay? If so posthumous Pertrovic's victory is granted. My very first review here. I'm hooked on this series. The writing is good, really good. This series is intense, dark, graphic and raw. The characters are well developed; you care about them. This is well wrtten erotica at its best. Out of all the books THIS is my absolute favorite. What Mat goes through psychologically is so realistic and so gut-wrenching. He is so strong and so vulnerable. I'm glad to see more of Nate and his interactions with Mat as well as other characters only mentioned in previous books. It was a wonderful and totally unexpected surprise to see some *old friends* too. What a clever and sweet twist...I'm eager to read the rest of this series and need to see these characters have some closure and happiness in their lives.

Do You like book The Flesh Cartel #14: Independence Day (2014)?

Muaaah, yes! I'm so ready for things to go right for Matt for a change.

3.5review to come

3.5 stars

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