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The Fire Chronicle (2012)

The Fire Chronicle (2012)

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0375868712 (ISBN13: 9780375868719)
Knopf Books for Young Readers

About book The Fire Chronicle (2012)

Boys and girls all over the globe who love fantasy and adventure should definitely read this book. The Fire Chronicle is the second of the three Books of Beginning by John Stephens. Michael and Emma have gone in search of The Chronicle, the book of life. When the orphanage Kate, Michael and Emma are staying in is attacked by Morum Cadi (screachers), Kate tries to take the Morum Cadi back in time with The Atlas (the book of time). When Kate doesn’t return, Michael is forced to take on all of Kate’s responsibilities and be the oldest! With Kate stuck in New York in 1899, their adventure has begun. One reason I loved this book is that it’s filled with adventure and every chapter holds you in suspense. Another reason I loved this book is that when there is a lull in the excitement, the author adds in another twist. I liked this book because the author writes from both points of view, Kate’s in 1899 and Michael and Emma’s who are in the present. This book ended in a cool cliffhanger that made me want to read the third book right then and there! Second in the Books of Beginnings series, John Stephens’ The Fire Chronicle takes young readers into two fascinating worlds of ragged orphans and terrifying dragons, tying them both together through “two magical books” and “three lost siblings.”The middle sibling comes to the fore in this story, and his gradual transformation from bookish follower to confident leader is very appealing. On the way he acquires the title “rabbit,” resists falling in love, and loses both his sisters to different disasters. Meanwhile older sibling Kate isn’t sure if she’s saving her friends or losing them, after losing herself and her book in New York City’s ragged streets of a hundred years ago.The humor is playful, modern and pleasant, for adults as well as children. The dialog is convincing and sharp. And change, even when it involves loss, isn’t always bad. “[T]he point of life isn’t to avoid pain,” says one character, counseling Michael as loss and defeat bring him down. It’s wise advice, in a book with wise lessons, exciting adventure, intriguingly different mythology, and enticing mystery. Now I’m eagerly awaiting the third in the series.Disclosure: I read the first and couldn’t resist going out to buy the second.

Do You like book The Fire Chronicle (2012)?

This book was amazing! I can't want until the final book is out in March 2015!

A fantastic continuation in the series. Can't wait to read Book III.

Man I love these books!!!! I'm dying for the next one!!

Still great fun. Hard to wait for the third one.

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