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Das Buch Rubyn: Die Chroniken Vom Anbeginn (2012)

Das Buch Rubyn: Die Chroniken vom Anbeginn (2012)

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About book Das Buch Rubyn: Die Chroniken Vom Anbeginn (2012)

Two-thumbs up!! John Stephens second installment is just as witty, gripping, and just overall 'well done' as the first.While each of the characters grow and come into their own a little more in this book it still captures the perfect tone and pace for a juvenile fantasy with all the adventure the reader can handle.I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy, adventure, real characters, or if they just have siblings. Yes, it is that good. I do have to point out one thing that made my brain itch though. The author, while high on the awesomeness chart, has 12 year old characters using words like 'assuage'. Now in all my time working and being around 12 year olds and children in general I have to admit I cannot recall that word being much used...*shrug* just something that made my brain itch.Enjoy! While fantastic, I don't think I liked it quite as much as the first one. The only reason I say that is because I didn't have the same compulsion to seek out the last in the trilogy as soon as this one ended. That said, I adored this book. I definitely wouldn't recommend it if you haven't read The Emerald Atlas though. And I don't really have much else to say. It was good, you should read it.

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Fantastic book like the first, hopefully won't have too long to wait for the final book!!

I really loved this sequel. Cant wait for the last book to be released!

Better than book 1, still exciting series!

Thoroughly enjoyed this!

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