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L'atlante Di Smeraldo (2011)

L'atlante di smeraldo (2011)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
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8830430080 (ISBN13: 9788830430082)

About book L'atlante Di Smeraldo (2011)

Wow so many people love this book.......But I’m not going to be bias.....I will try to be as honest as I can. I liked this book BUT I also found some things that I don’t like about it. I really wish I could give this book a 3 1/2 star but this book is really overloaded. I mean at times I wish the book just fast forward especially the first 130 pages. I say that, because I feel like the suspense is getting dragged way to long that you just feel like ….You are climbing up the stairs to reach the nirvana but the journey is too long that you feel like giving up. Now, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it....I did very much did, but I have to admit the book was very long winded ....and too many things are happening in one book. At times it felt like the book was suppose to be in two parts but in the last moment, the author just decided to combine both and be done with just one. TADAAA !!!Another thing that I didn't like is that the author uses very confusing writing. The writing style is almost like he wants to 'catch' everything, the expression, the tone, the body language with the expression and etc. Like using dialogue as an information dump and then mixing them with paragraph of the story all of a sudden. A few time I had to reread the text just so I know who is saying what. (I'm not a writer but I think I can spare my opinion here)Characters Kate – She is the ultimate sweetheart mother hen. She is a very likable character. I think she is brave and have very strong determination to reach or in her case to find the ‘goal’. Her character is well written and I like her instantly in this book. She is not your typical bossy elder sister. Michael – Am I the only one who thought Michael and the author looks alike in description? Maybe he is writing about his own life story. He reminds me of Hermione but in a weaker version. Yes he has his brave at times but let’s admit it he is a gentle soul. He is also a very likeable character and I am happy that his knowledge is very useful in time of desperate need.Emma- I have mix feelings about this one. She is NOT a very likeable character. No, I don’t find her adorable. Mostly because she reminds me of a jealous kid who constantly seeks attention. This is probably true since she is the youngest one. But her mouth (in this case) have landed her in a lot of trouble. The thing is, she is feisty but she is not smart. She speaks before thinking and is VERY rude. More like a whine first and later apologize half heartedly. BUT…..she is one also very brave. I think she is the bravest among all 3 of them. For that I like her too. The story picked up speed after the kids escape from the countess. Only then did I felt like I could see and not yawn at the story development. Overall it is a great read but you need to really sit and take your time to immerse in this book, or else it will feel like a hurdle. We got this book on a play-away for the kids to listen to, but ended up listening to it myself... Jim Dale's narration made this book come alive, and I was immediately sucked into the fantastic world of orphans Kate, Michael and Emma! If you are a fan of Tolkien, Pullman or C.S. Lewis' Narnia, you will thoroughly enjoy this series - it's book 1 of 3... In a sea of trilogies, fantasy lit, and books with magic books in them, this one stands apart - it has recognizable elements from other fantasy books, but a unique new story that will arrest your attention and leave you anxiously awaiting the next book! I loved it so much I went out and bought it for my kids library and the 2nd book for me, so I could continue the adventure - I'm midway through the book & it's great too! (Bad news: book 3 is not due til March 2015... Will be preordering on Amazon!)

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