About book The Barefoot Running Book: A Practical Guide To The Art And Science Of Barefoot And Minimalist Shoe Running (2000)
I got this book free with my first purchase of a pair of Vibram Five Fingers shoes. While I do think there were some important principles and "visualizations" to be gleaned within, I think the book undoubtedly contributed to a serious case of me "overthinking it" in my first season & a half of converting over to minimalist-style running. The ramp-up, the visualizations, the other assorted advice and asides - I'm not sure there's much you're going to find in this book that isn't available by checking out a handful of reputable sources on the web. And maybe some of the ideas distilled to a simple fact-sheet is preferable. I started this book months ago and had to stop mid-way because it was getting me too excited to transition to barefoot at a time when I couldn't (due to the need for mileage upkeep for an already planned race). but now i've begun and this book was a good practical guide to making the switch. Robillard is a strong advocate of straight up barefoot running, which is different (and better than, in his mind) minimalist shoe running, like vibrams, which is what i'm giving a go. regardless, i think all of his drills and tidbits of wisdom are still applicable and useful.
Do You like book The Barefoot Running Book: A Practical Guide To The Art And Science Of Barefoot And Minimalist Shoe Running (2000)?
There are a lot of barefoot running books our there- some are legit, others are not. This one is.
Helt ok om man vill börja spinga barfota. Många träningsförslag.
Worth reading if you are interested in barefoot running.
Run without shoes and save your feet and legs.