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Never Wipe Your Ass With A Squirrel: A Trail And Ultramarathon Running Guide For Weird Folks (2000)

Never Wipe Your Ass with a Squirrel: A Trail and Ultramarathon Running Guide for Weird Folks (2000)

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About book Never Wipe Your Ass With A Squirrel: A Trail And Ultramarathon Running Guide For Weird Folks (2000)

This book was slow in parts (like about trails, weather, gear) but very interesting and helpful in other parts. I've been running for 5 years and frequently run in trails. I'm also trained in wilderness first aid, so parts of the book were old news to me. But, I am currently preparing for my first Ultra and the certainly was some useful information in here. I'm sure I will review this book every so often. I cracked up a few times reading this. I really liked the way it's written, but wish it went into more detail in some of the chapters. I've never run a marathon, never mind an ultra, but this book got me to sign up for my first race (a 5k with my 6 & 8 year olds) in February (: I used to think marathon were crazy, but recently started running with my kids and we all love it. Thanks to the author for an informative, funny and friendly take on trail running in general (we only have one road where we live and the race is on arenal volcano, a few hours away...see? I'm using social media to keep us from chickening out, one of the authors tips). I didn't know much about barefoot running except that some remote places had very good runners who never had shoes. I was having a problem with all the shoes i tried- nothing like the running shoes of high school cross country. zero-drop is where it's at for me. I want to find some for my boys too now.

Do You like book Never Wipe Your Ass With A Squirrel: A Trail And Ultramarathon Running Guide For Weird Folks (2000)?

Hilarious and informative! Lots of great running advice and even more laughs.

Interesting, refreshing and easy to read with great practical advice.

Great info on ultra running delivered in a matter of fact way.

Learned a few things, but laughed a lot. a Must read

Some great ultramarathon running tips.

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