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Jason Robillard

Jason Robillard
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Books by Jason Robillard


The Barefoot Running Book: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running (2000)

I got this book free with my first purchase of a pair of Vibram Five Fingers shoes. While I do think there were some important principles and "visualizations" to be gleaned within, I think the book undoubtedly contributed to a serious case of me "overthinking it" in my first season & a half of co...

The Barefoot Running Book: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running (2000) by Jason Robillard

Never Wipe Your Ass with a Squirrel: A Trail and Ultramarathon Running Guide for Weird Folks (2000)

This book was slow in parts (like about trails, weather, gear) but very interesting and helpful in other parts. I've been running for 5 years and frequently run in trails. I'm also trained in wilderness first aid, so parts of the book were old news to me. But, I am currently preparing for my firs...

Never Wipe Your Ass with a Squirrel: A Trail and Ultramarathon Running Guide for Weird Folks (2000) by Jason Robillard

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