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Ten Birds (2011)

Ten Birds (2011)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 2
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1554535689 (ISBN13: 9781554539246)
Kids Can Press

About book Ten Birds (2011)

I really enjoyed this book...I thought the illustrations were funny and partnered well with the text to tell the story. And it's much more than a counting book..I saw a lot of parallels between the birds and elementary kids in the public school system. But it's got a great message about labeling people, as tests and scores tend to do (excellent, needs improvement, etc.), and the inaccuracies that are a part of that labeling. This is one of my new favorites. The pictures are gorgeous and very amusing, and the story line is quite clever. Children who can appreciate a little irony will be wondering why: a)none of the birds simply flew, b) one bird even created new wings rather than using its own, and c) the bridge was not even considered by 9 birds, some of whom used portions of it to power or propel their contraptions. And I absolutely and completely love both the name "Needs Improvement" and the look of pride on this particular bird's face. What a funny and clever and beautiful book!

Do You like book Ten Birds (2011)?

The pictures in this book are amazing! And such a cute clever story :)

A reverse counting book with fabulous illustrations.

I totally love the art this book!! ^^

Beautiful illustrations.

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