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Cybèle Young

Cybèle Young
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.6

Books by Cybèle Young


Ten Birds (2011)

I really enjoyed this book...I thought the illustrations were funny and partnered well with the text to tell the story. And it's much more than a counting book..I saw a lot of parallels between the birds and elementary kids in the public school system. But it's got a great message about labeling ...

Ten Birds (2011) by Cybèle Young

Nancy Knows (2014)

Age: Preschool-1st gradeConcept Skill: OppositesAn imaginative story of an elephant that cannot seem to remember what she is supposed to remember but she can certainly recall everything else in the world, going through lists of objects as she tries to jog her memory. Young demonstrates Nancy's th...

Nancy Knows (2014) by Cybèle Young

A Few Blocks (2011)

Ferdie doesn't want to go to school at all and he dreads his sister Viola telling him to go. He vows to stay put and never move and Viola has to tell him that he must do extravagant things like save a princess and search for buried treasure to get him to move. There's only a few blocks to get to ...

A Few Blocks (2011) by Cybèle Young

A Few Bites (2012)

Age: Preschool+Family: Younger brother, older sisterFood: Trying to make a kid eat what he doesn't want to eatI felt like this was a lot stronger than "A Few Blocks" mainly because the imagination and the real world blended more cohesively, with each one distinct and recognizeable. You can see th...

A Few Bites (2012) by Cybèle Young

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