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Nancy Knows (2014)

Nancy Knows (2014)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
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1770494820 (ISBN13: 9781770494824)
Tundra Books

About book Nancy Knows (2014)

Age: Preschool-1st gradeConcept Skill: OppositesAn imaginative story of an elephant that cannot seem to remember what she is supposed to remember but she can certainly recall everything else in the world, going through lists of objects as she tries to jog her memory. Young demonstrates Nancy's thoughts by placing photographs of actual objects inside the outline of the elephant, providing pages of investigation for the reader/listener. I really enjoyed this adorable tale. Little ones will love spotting all of the different types of objects Nancy knows. I loved the combination of illustration and photographed objects. I think everyone can relate to the story of knowing you're supposed to do something/be somewhere/bring something but not quite remembering what. Charming and perfect for curious children who love to ask questions and explore, and for storytellers who want to open the conversation beyond just what is on the page. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a free e-galley of this book.

Do You like book Nancy Knows (2014)?

Creative illustrations using found/created objects, but not much of a story line.

Interesting illustration.

Amazing artwork.

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