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Sphinx's Queen (2010)

Sphinx's Queen (2010)

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0375856579 (ISBN13: 9780375856570)
Random House Books for Young Readers

About book Sphinx's Queen (2010)

More ratings and reviews on 4.4 out of 5 starsGenre: Historical FictionAge Recommended: 13 and up (7th grade+)Sphinx's Queen was an amazing sequel to Sphinx's Princess. The fast-paced book enthralled me and had me reading under my desk in class. (shhhh!)-------------------------------------A new plot has risen.Nefertiti has found out that her aunt wishes her to marry Thutmose, the Pharaoh's son. Thutmose's first impression on Nefertiti is bad and Nefertiti now realizes how evil Queen Tiye and her son are.Nefertiti is only getting accustomed to life in the royal palace when she is accused of murdering Thumatose's dearest pet, a cat. Even worse, this cat is supposed to be a daughter of a sacred Egyptian goddess.Nefertiti learns that Thutmose means to bribe the priest in the sacred temple to announce that she is guilty. This means that Nefertiti must flee the kingdom to avoid persecution.Along the way, she gets help from Thumatose's younger brother, Amenophis, and her old friend, Nava. Amenophis and Nefertiti soon fall in love but they must push their feelings aside until they are far away from the kingdom.While the threesome are on their journey, Amenophis gets bitten by a deadly scorpion and they almost get captured by Thutmose's men.Will they survive? Nefertiti comes back stronger than ever and ready to take on the world in the pursuit of justice...and maybe love. This was a wonderful finale to Sphinx's Princess and definitely packed a punch!I loved how every single character evolved and grew up from the previous book. It turned from the need to escape, to the need for justice, to the need for family and love. It was a beautiful tale that showed how people can change, you just have to be stubborn enough to hang in there.I loved everything about this book, from action to romance and everything in between. I look forward to reading more from Friesner!

Do You like book Sphinx's Queen (2010)?

Not based on fact at all but a good read. I can never find enough fiction on ancient Egypt.

Great sequel!


pretty good


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