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Split Heirs (1993)

Split Heirs (1993)

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3.57 of 5 Votes: 2
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0312853203 (ISBN13: 9780312853204)
tor books

About book Split Heirs (1993)

I really enjoy a good spoof of the epic fantasy, but this book was not it. It started out quite well: amusing characters, abundant and ridiculous humor, and a silly, intriguing plot, but alas, like the Old Hydrangean Resistance, it soon grows old, tedious, annoying, and pointless. The best character is a sheep, that in itself should be pause for concern. The humor descends to levels only enjoyed in frat houses and high school locker rooms. The characters, aside from the aforementioned sheep, are less interesting than your average rock, at least the rock isn't out annoying people; most of them are superfluous and merely comedic asides. The plot took a wrong turn around page 75, perhaps intentionally getting lost, and I'm not sure it will ever be found, or wants to be. The writing is well done, but the insipidness of the humor, characters, and plot left me sympathizing with the Gorgorians, maybe it is just best to run around and kill everybody! Go read 'Dealing with Dragons' if you want a good fantasy spoof that has a sense of humor more cultured than that of the average teenage boy.

This book was fairly inappropriate, had no character development, had no likable characters to develop, and showed absolutely no respect for any manner of life. Not that I would mind, because the world portrayed is so empty and pointless it seems pretty reasonable to consider death, as bleak as it may be in this book world, as a step up. On the other hand, it was some of the most amusing writing I've ever read. I was laughing out loud back to my phone (where I was reading it) an uncomfortable amount of time. Not to mention the fact that the writing was just plain good. It was complex and interesting, and detailed in a way that didn't get tedious. I had a lot of trouble putting it down, too, because it pulled me in shockingly well. I would suggest it, but I'm not quite sure to whom. Someone who appreciates good writing over a good story, I think. Or someone into bawdy humor. Not for someone who considers political correctness as a virtue.

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