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Sphinx's Princess (2009)

Sphinx's Princess (2009)

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0375856544 (ISBN13: 9780375856549)
Random House Books for Young Readers

About book Sphinx's Princess (2009)

I read this book because of a recommendation of an old teacher. I usually love historical fiction, but this book was written for a much younger audience then myself. The characters were plain and underdeveloped throughout the story (with the exception of Queen Tyie), and the authors voices was not symbolic of the time period. The characters never developed throughout the story. The love story was random, and not planned out. In one chapter Nefertiti hated him, and in the next she was head over heels for him. Though the characters were strange, the plot was well written and concise. Friesner's writing style was engaging and delivered a punch of excitement toward the conclusion of Book 1. Vibrantly illustrated. When I was reading this book, I can feel and picture myself living in Ancient Egypt, walking through the dirt-filled streets and highly decorative and regal halls of the Pharoah's quarters at Thebes, and eating at an entertainment-filled, food gorging feast.I love this story and cannot wait to find out what happens to the royal family in Book 2.

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This was a good book that portrayed all the events that would happen in that time.

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