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Shock And Awesome (2013)

Shock and Awesome (2013)

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4.4 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Shock And Awesome (2013)

4 Stars...I'm continuing to really enjoy this series. Some of the situations at the end are truly hilarious. This series is saved from being 'sit-com' like, because the characters have deeper emotions than that. The reader can feel their sorrow, confusion, etc. My only nit pick with this one was the reason for Lexi and Solomon to pull back...shaky and contrived...especially after finding out that he was the one at the door at the end of book 3. As a plot device it worked well, because I just had to keep reading to find out what would happen, but I still thought it was a bogus reason. On to the next! Lexi is back in another wonderful, funny story. Working as a PI for Solomon, she goes undercover at a millionaire dating service to find a thief who dates wealthy women so he can rob them. We see Lexi trying to come to terms with her feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Maddox, and Solomon. She seems to make a decision at the end of the book. Maybe not my choice, but I am not Lexi. I really loved this story!

Do You like book Shock And Awesome (2013)?

Awesome book! Well worth the wait and can't wait for the next one!

Does anyone know when it will be available on Nook?

Very fun read! Love the characters.

Pretty good series....

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