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Laugh Or Death (2014)

Laugh or Death (2014)

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4.35 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Laugh Or Death (2014)

Okay someone explain to me why not more people are reading this series. I just binge-read all six books in about 4 days and absolutely love them. They are funny, witty, romantic, full of suspense... the perfect cozy mysteries. Also there is a lot of character growth and relationship developments, unlike in most of the series I've read in this genre. The characters are lovable and the cases interesting. Really, everyone who remotely likes this genre should pick this series up. It's great and I can't wait for the next one. First I want to say that I do love this author and I love her books. This is my first book review, so please bear with me. As you can see, I only gave this book 2 stars. I didn't really care too much for this book. The main character has always been what you would call conceited, and this has not changed through all of the books. That's not one of the problems I had with this book. I feel that this book was missing everything that the other books had, humor and mystery. It didn't have any of that and I was disappointed when I read it. It was a lot of nothing going on until towards the end of the book. I know that there is one more in this series and I will continue to read from this author, I just hope that the last one is better.

Do You like book Laugh Or Death (2014)?

A quick and light read - somewhat silly but not in a bad way. A good 'afternoon at the beach' read.

Loved it can't wait for Lexi and Solomon to get married already

Good mindless reading. Sometimes you need that kind of book.

Best series ever :)

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