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Shawn's Law (2015)

Shawn's Law (2015)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 4
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1632167344 (ISBN13: 9781632167347)
dreamspinner press

About book Shawn's Law (2015)

~3.5~Shawn, a short, curvy man (see status update), finds something to do in his garden at 4 p.m. every day. That's when Hippy-Hotpants, with his long white boy plait, walks by with his dogs. Shawn is lusting after said Hippy-Hotpants, so he sticks his arse out in the air and continues to replant strawberry bushes.This book feels very much like slapstick, and that is most definitely not my humour. I prefer dry and ironic. I still giggled many times, but some of Shawn's actions and accidents were over the top. Shawn, prone to calamities, is a victim of Shawn's Law, which is like Murphy's Law. ON STEROIDS. He's always setting things on fire, stabbing his toe, tripping, breaking things, walking into an ant's nest, picking up a dangerous octopus, getting attacked by birds, talking to serial killers on the phone (oh, YES, Shawn's ex was a serial killer who ATE gay men), and so on. He is on a first-name basis with every nurse, doctor, and EMT within a 50-mile radius. All I can say is: Thank the gods Shawn lives in Australia, which has universal healthcare. He would be so fucked if he lived in the States. To make matters worse, Shawn's mum has Alzheimer, so she's quite prone to accidents too. Shawn, who is a commissioned part-time artist, is his mum's main caretaker and doesn't have much free time, which Hippy-Hotpants, an environmentalist whose real name is Harvey, bemoans. Shawn's mum is portrayed as being infantile, prone to running around naked under the sprinklers, and making ballloon babies out of strawberry-flavored condoms. I fully admit this made me cringe. Alzheimer disease isn't funny. The book is told from alternating first-person POVs, Shawn's in the present as the two men meet and begin a relationship, and Harvey's looking back on their many, uh, adventures. If you read Amy Lane's Shiny!, the structure will feel familiar. We know by chapter 3 that there is a HEA, and the remainder of the book fills us in on the details. I can't say I connected with either MC. Shawn is naive and childish. His profanity of choice includes words like fudge, sugar cookies, cheese with pancakes, and darn. He worries that because he hasn't had anal sex for so long his anus and prostate have shriveled up and died. Hey, it could happen.Harvey is a bit self-righteous and a tad au naturel for my tastes, but he is patient and really into Shawn. Harvey freeballs it at all times. He loves to fondle Shawn's meaty arse, but Shawn keeps breaking up with Harvey. Because. He doesn't want Harvey to die. This is a Renae Kaye book, so it's cute and well-written, and has a certain charm, even if the slapstick humour didn't fully appeal to ME (but it might certainly appeal to you!).If you like outrageous comedy based on improbable situations with plenty of sweetness, I recommend this book. Shawn's Law is unlike Kaye's other books. It's not my favorite, but kudos to the author for her creativity and range. *********************************************************If this were not a Ranae Kaye book, I'd go all fed-up Tony Soprano on its ass. Because that blurb? Sounds a bit cray-cray, no? But it's Ranae Kaye, people. So I'm all:

**4.5stars rounded up** Shawn O'Hara is an enigma. Poster boy for the meaning of 'Murphy's Law', I don't think that who ever Murphy was, he ever had as much go wrong (as could go wrong) to him, than what befalls Shawn in this book! OMG! Talk about a trouble magnet! Misfortune follows him around like he's got it on a lead, and he's on first name terms with all the staff at the local hospital, where he practically has a bed waiting just for him, because he's never far away from some medical catastrophe or another.Move over Murphy...Shawn's in town! Renae Kaye has done it again. Made me fall in love with her storytelling, primarily because of Shawn and Harley who in the words of Renae Kaye I had a real 'Pash' for, and the farcical antics she put them through. It's the sort of tongue in cheek humour with comedic situations that would befit a sit com. You know that in reality nothing quite so exaggerated would ever really happen the way it does in the story, because it's more a caricature of real life, but among all the mad cap capers and larger than life supporting characters, there are still recognizable aspects you can relate to beneath all the shenanigans, just that in real life they're more muted. Take the fact that Renae brings in a character with Altzheimer's; Shawn's beloved mum.Yes, the comedy bounces off that and some of the laugh out loud moments result from his mums actions but by accepting the type of situational humour for what it is, I never felt it was done in a way that belittled or made fun of the illness. The poignancy of it all was always underlying so I never had any doubt in my mind that given the option, Shawn would have walked over hot coals for his mother before he'd let anyone else take care of her. His devotion is given purely out of love, not obligation, and despite missing the mum who had always loved and cared for him, now lost to Altzheimers, he just took everything in his stride...never losing patience or his temper; just another of his personality traits that made him as kookily lovable as he is. And Harley's interactions with her are also sweet and tender but never sugary or condescending. The things that happen to Shawn run into the absurd, but it's funny absurd and of course it all adds in to the eccentricity of the plot and the quirkiness of his and Harley's relationship, which in itself is sexy, funny, wacky, winsome and charming because they are such endearing, off the wall characters.The clutzy way he meets 'Hippy Hotpants' as he calls Harley before he gets to know the hottie he lusts over daily, shows you exactly what the tone of story is going to be and from that moment on I had a stupid grin on my face that stayed there more or less till the last page.For rest of review follow Link:

Do You like book Shawn's Law (2015)?

So apparently there is Renae Kaye book I don't love. I liked it and I enjoyed reading it but I didn't love it like her previous work.There were some things that just didn't work for me. I do think I'm the problem here though and I'll explain why.I found Shawn's proclivity to accidents way over the top. I mean he was always getting hurt in some impossible way, but then again this was what the author wanted to do right? Use the impossibility and the ridiculousness of the situation to make it funny. Yeah that didn't work for me.I got tired of Shawn's law pretty fast.Shawn was constantly doubting Harley's interest in him and that insecurity got repetitive as well. But then again, that is petty much understandable because Harley was gorgeous and Shawn was ...well Shawn.Alzheimer's disease is a really sore subject for me. My late grandma who was like a second mother to me was a patient. So when I read phrases like “My mother is having a quiet day, so she should just sit there. But if she removes her clothes, please compliment her on her looks and then help her to dress again. Don’t let her near the knives. She likes to stab people.” over and over, that were meant to be funny, I cringed and sighed and clutched my kindle. I know pretty well that these patients tend to be agressive sometimes but still, I could not laugh with a situation that was real life for me and it sucked.Again, the subject is sore for ME and I'm not implying IN ANY WAY that the author makes fun of it.Not at all.Shawn was a sweetheart and took great care of his mom and was so heartbreakingly sad when she was getting worse.Shawn's attempts to replace swear words with other words was adorable.So I liked the writing a lot and I did laugh many times because ...Renae Kaye...Overall, these issues aside, it was a pretty enjoyable read

4.5 stars!Shawn’s Law is the fourth Renae Kaye book I’ve read. I fell in love with her books after reading The Shearing Gun last year and I always look forward to her new releases. Shawn’s Law is no different. I really, really enjoyed this book and it’s a very strong 4.5 star read for me. Not my favorite from her, but still a book I will happily read again.I love Shawn. He’s a great guy who is a victim of Shawn’s Law, which is like Murphy’s Law but a million times crazier. Some of the stuff that happened to him made me laugh so hard. He’s like a walking disaster, which is funny to read about. And he’s had such rotten luck with his love life. But he’s also a really caring, patient person who looks after his mum who has Alzheimer’s and never really complains about it or gets angry about the way things have turned out.Then you have Harley, or as Shawn called him in the beginning, Hippy-Hotpants. I love Harley, too. He wanted Shawn the moment he saw him but held back until he couldn’t any more. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, but he was there for Shawn and I could tell he really did love him.I really liked the two of them together, even if they could be frustrating at times. There were a couple of times, especially towards the end, where I was really shaking my head. I think it was to be expected, though, since Shawn had some issues with himself and then with the whole Shawn’s Law things, I imagine it could get very frustrating to be with someone like that. But the two of them together were so sweet, and they did really care about each other.This book is so funny. It’s hard not to laugh at some of the things that happen to Shawn. I mean, I don’t know anyone, even myself, who can get into situations like that. It’s crazy and so much fun and it had me laughing most of the time while I was reading it. Even the very last page.The Alzheimer’s part of this book hit close to home for me, having seen my nanny (grandmother) suffer with it and also having a great-uncle, who lives in the States, currently suffering with it. I think it made me feel really attached to Estelle. It also prepared me for the ending. So while this book was hilarious and I laughed my ass off, there was also a bit of an emotional attachment for me, too.Shawn’s Law is definitely a book I will read again, like many of Renae Kaye’s books. It’s such a good book and I cannot recommend it enough if you want a good laugh. And it has left me even more excited for her next book.A copy of this book was provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for a fair and honest review.
—Trisha Harrington

Okay so slightly sarcastic Aussie humour works for me. It so helps that Shawn's Law is all to believable for someone whose electrical kitchen equipment is out to get her and can fall over her own feet.Shawn is an almost 30 year old 'curvy' man who has returned home after his father's death to look after his mother who has early onset altzimers. Harvey is a long haired save the earth type guy who walks his dogs past Shawn's house each day.. they meet due to an accident but their relationship is not plain sailing as Shawn's ability to injure himself accidentally constantly interferes. There is a geat cast of supporting characters... in particular Shawn's sister Lisa. Their mum is portrayed with a believeable bittersweet comedy that anyone who has looked after altzimer's sufferers will recognise. I really enjoyed this light and humourous read

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