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Seth And David (2012)

Seth and David (2012)

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3.33 of 5 Votes: 6
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1426894481 (ISBN13: 9781426894480)
Carina Press

About book Seth And David (2012)

i don't know what i expected, but i am dissapointed. I loved this incredibly hot massage on the beggining and i liked very sweet epilogue, but that's it. I didn't like Seth, he was just another selfish bastard and as much as i wanted to like David (and he is very likeable) he was so artificial, unreal that i just didn't "feel" him. at all. to be honest, i didn't feel the whole story. i liked the blurb and i liked the idea but how much action and drama 90 pages can contain? here, it was too much. at least for me. I would have given this four stars except that it felt too short...I really wanted more interaction between Seth and David, more exploring their unique dynamic. Seth was such an ass at the beginning of the story that I was just starting to see and accept that that wasn't really the real him when it ended. But, oh my, was David just mouthwateringly bohemian and adorable. And tattooed. We shouldn't forget tattooed. And pierced. Yeah.

Do You like book Seth And David (2012)?

Carina Press has re released this as Men of Smithfield: Seth & David

Seth really is an ass and I don't know what David saw in him.

Seth and David

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