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Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011)

Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011)

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0803731663 (ISBN13: 9780803731660)

About book Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011)

I was not thrilled with this book. It was cute in certain aspects and borderline offensive in others. The chicks were cute but inferring (even jokingly) women swoon over rockstars like that is silly this day & age (in a not actually funny sort of way.)Could have been much better and more educational. This is the type of book that makes me appreciate a well written piece of young children's literature. Mole likes to rock...but only by himself or with an audience of one. Mole's dilemma is stage fright. Can he overcome his fear and save the day at Pig's talent show?What I thought: I can't wait to use Rock 'n' Roll Mole is story time. The story sings, if you'll forgive the pun. I like that Mole has a common fear and he overcome it. (I never liked public speaking!) The illustrations are great. I'm a huge fan of Lynn Munsinger. My favorite illustrations are Mole waking up, imitating Mick Badger, and at the end of the show (last page).Story Time Themes: Friendship, Music, Fears

Do You like book Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011)?

I couldn't help but grin as I read this cute book about a rocker mole! Sweet!

Mole becomes a rock star with a little help from his friend.


Absolutely adorable!

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