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Henry & The Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009)

Henry & the Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
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0763636010 (ISBN13: 9780763636012)
Candlewick Press

About book Henry & The Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009)

A second Henry bunny book. I didn't like it as much as the first, but it's nice to see what our Buccaneer Bunnies have been up to. I like that Henry has to try and fail and then try again as the story moves along. Great thing to show kids that you have to be persistent and not give up. I don't think I'll read this one in my summer pirate-theme storytime, but I will keep it and its predecessor on hand. Mommy's review from 1/12/12 - Julia and I read this the other day right after we finished our first Henry book, Henry and the Buccaneer Bunnies. We liked this as much as we did the first and I was glad that this story takes off where the other one stopped. There haven't been many books we've read that have done that so I was happy to introduce this to Julia.Besides her seeing me reading sequels and such she hasn't seen much of it herself.A lot of the same things apply to this book. The titles of the books within this book will make adults laugh for one. (Maybe even some older brothers, sisters, etc. reading to younger kids.) Henry's Father and the other pirates fall back into their old ways of not trusting Henry soon find out they're wrong yet again.Also in this book instead of just reading Henry has taken to writing which I thought was just perfect. The ending here is darn good too. Instead of doing any number of things to the crazy chicken pirates they do something different, something that will bring a smile to the reader(s).This is another that I can recommend and I hope we find the time to read more before Julia outgrows them.

Do You like book Henry & The Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009)?

I read this book with my boys and it is the cutest book. Very good illustration work too.

Fun pirate story that emphasizes cleverness over violence.

Fantasy. Cute but predictable story of a nerd turned hero.

Suffering scallywags, Crimi has done it again! Loved it.


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