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Carolyn Crimi

Carolyn Crimi
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Books by Carolyn Crimi


Henry & the Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009)

A second Henry bunny book. I didn't like it as much as the first, but it's nice to see what our Buccaneer Bunnies have been up to. I like that Henry has to try and fail and then try again as the story moves along. Great thing to show kids that you have to be persistent and not give up. I don't th...

Henry & the Crazed Chicken Pirates (2009) by Carolyn Crimi

Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011)

I was not thrilled with this book. It was cute in certain aspects and borderline offensive in others. The chicks were cute but inferring (even jokingly) women swoon over rockstars like that is silly this day & age (in a not actually funny sort of way.)Could have been much better and more educatio...

Rock 'N' Roll Mole (2011) by Carolyn Crimi

Dear Tabby (2011)

A letter from Stanky Skunque: “Dear Tabby, I’ve been lonely for so long. Something about the white stripes down my back puts everyone off. It’s sort of hard to meet girls when they’re screaming and running away from you. Should I just give up? Love, StankyDear Stanky (ever thought about changing ...

Dear Tabby (2011) by Carolyn Crimi

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