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Rising Darkness (2015)

Rising Darkness (2015)

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About book Rising Darkness (2015)

Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.There’s an author note at the beginning of this book that strongly encourages readers to check-out the novella, STITCHED, prior to diving in, and after personally having done so I’d like to reinforce how important that 100 page tale is towards understanding RISING DARKNESS. Also, if you’ve been considering giving THE ELEMENTAL spin-off novels a whirl as I have, this installment will definitely convince you. So, you’ve been warned, by downloading this title you’re basically adding a minimum of one short and another series to your TBR pile.WOUNDED was devastating on the Rylee / Liam front; however a ray of hope did peek through the clouds in #8.5 which was further explored in this volume. Mayer did manage to circumvent two of my Speculative Fiction deal breakers (i.e. dead peeps stay dead & no ghost HEAs), but the outcome was WEIRD to say the least, and with only one book left to go the romantic thread will either be a train wreck or a stroke of genius.I mentioned in my previous review how much I enjoyed Pam’s POV, and that carried over to this novel; I thought that the author captured her internal struggle exquisitely, and in such a way that it wasn’t damaging to her character, unlike her approach to Milly. Also, the aftershocks that stemmed from Pam’s final side choice in the coming battle made for some interesting offshoots including Elemental correlations, and Alex. Oh. My. God. ALEX!The plot line was another winner with Rylee’s search for the Great Wolf followed by that of the Destroyer. Again, Mayer blew my expectations out of the water by revealing surprising connections with some of this series’ cast as well as previously visited locations and past events. And, of course no RYLEE ADAMSON installment would be complete without the death of a secondary. Up until this point I’ve been unaffected by all except one, but I was saddened by this latest casualty.My binge read has officially come to an end with RISING DARKNESS, and now I must wait for BLOOD OF THE LOST. Gah!

HERE ARE THE FACTS ABOUT RISING DARKNESS, BOOK 9Until now, I've always reviewed Shannon Mayer's Rylee series as if I were trying to "convince" someone who has never read one of her books, how much I like her writing style and how much I love Rylee...well, I can't figure out how to do that SOS this time. So here are the facts.***SPOILER, SPOILER, AND MORE SPOILERS!!! THE WHOLE REVIEW IS ONE GIANT SPOILER!!**So this review is for those who have read the book, not for those who are not a total fan!Okay, wow! I can't wait for the final book, Blood Of The Lost! I am so glad Pam has come to her senses and has stopped feeling guilty, and sorry for herself. I am NOT okay with Faris/Liam winning over Rylee's heart! No way! This is important: I KNEW THAT ELEMENTALLY CHALLENGED (an introduction to Larkspur) WOULD BE RELATIVE TO RYLEE'S FUTURE! And if you'll look at the review you'll see I was right! I hate that Milly is dead, but she died a good death and she died with a clean soul and not as Orions whore! I hate that Frank gets killed because he was a very decent young man. I hate it for Pamela. I am also totally freaked that Alex is and (hopefully) will retain the ability to fully transform...our little Alex is all grown up now, almost. I loved RECURVE and I enjoyed meeting Lark and I can't wait to see how much she will actually help Rylee kick Orion's ass! And I will be very pi$$£d if Liam does not come out of the newly opened veil at the end of this thing and he and Rylee DON'T fly off into the sunset on Blaz!! And most of all, I hope little Marcella and Zane follow in their mother's footsteps and start the loop all over again. And last but not least, I dread The Blood Of The Lost, because it will mean that I must part ways with Rylee, her world, and her friends! WOW THAT FELT GOOD! I may get negged right off the reviewers list for this, but I don't felt great!Your the freaking best Miss Mayer! Glory hallelujah, and where's the damned Tylenol!!

Do You like book Rising Darkness (2015)?

Again I found this book unrelentingly miserable, it never lets up, there's no change of tone it just get's more and more dire. It get's dull, all the self-hating and feelings of doom just get repetitive. It really is non stop action but after a while it all blurs together and I found the whole thing unmemorable. It doesn't feel like Rylee has moved forward much over the last few book, she's still running from Orion it's just that in the mean time he's killed a load of her allies and infected the whole world with a plague.

With each book that goes by, it gets harder and harder to know what to say as these Rylee books are so brilliant. Rylee's team/family are wonderful and along with the character of Rylee herself what makes these such fantastic reads. Each book contains more action, more heartbreak, more jaw dropping moments of revelation than I think I can take. The twists and turns, with elements that were set up books ago keeps your brain constantly active. The story as a whole is coming to an end and when it does I think I will be a little heartbroken myself but I also want very much a happy ending for Rylee (and the rest of the world!) and her team. She is reaching the end of what surely she can take and I want to see these story arcs play out. I feel like I have cried, laughed and held my breath for years along with her, for it is one roller coaster of a ride and this book is no exception. Brilliant as ever, these books are a must read for anyone into urban fantasy or anyone who likes an action driven, emotional ride. I loved this.
—Sarah Leenart

I love this series and have to admit it is one of my all time favorite urban fantasies. I was thrilled with the the novella in between this and the last book and I think it pushed my expectations through the roof for this one. For spoiler free sake I'm going to be a little vague on this comment: I can truly say that I found almost everything about this book nearly perfect except for the situation with a single body holding two souls. That situation and the amount it was discussed just seemed to rub me the wrong way. Please don't get me wrong, this is still a marvelous read but I would of been happier without that circumstance.I hear that there will only be one more book in this series and have to say that I'm extremely sad to see these characters go. I'm hoping that Mayer might consider a spin off of those other supporting characters we've come to love.

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