Hmm cant really say that I liked this one better or not but I read it much faster as it stuck to basically one storyline and answered all the questions from there..It was refreshing to see everything get neatly tied up with no new characters to distract you, you really get to feel Cartier and why she is "so gangsta" and one of my favorite characters from the last book goes straight grimey..I hated Jason and felt that though he claimed to have genuine love for Cartier he would have been a little more faithful and not gotten all of them involved with the drama..Its also sad how the Cartel falls apart as everyone falls to the streets in their own ways.. Without divulging the entire plot just know that you have to read Part one to fully appreciate this and it is best if read back to back--bold themes of revenge, loyalty and respect resonate throughout the book and throw in mistresses, murder, children and kidnappings you have this drama filled two part series..I enjoyed this.. Cartier and the remaining members are back and looking to avenge the death of their fallen soldiers. Despite being older, wiser and now a married mother of two, Cartier quickly finds herself caught up in ongoing drama, struggles and deceit, all of which can end with deadly results. Not a huge fan of sequels, it was no secret that I didn't think this one was necessary. Still, with "Return of the Cartier Cartel," Nisa Santiago's prose has a light, easy-to-read touch, though the content was not light or easy. In addition to drama, there were splashes of action and a hint of mystery. But even with all that, this reader couldn't fully embrace this story. I'm sure there will be those that like and love "Return of the Cartier Cartel," but for me, it was just okay. I still look forward to reading more from this author. 3.25 stars...
Do You like book Return Of The Cartier Cartel (2010)?
Just as I thought the book was defintely a page turner just as book one was!!!!!!