All I can say is wow as I have never known twins who were so opposite and hated each other, especially for identical twins. Nichols, the younger sister, wanted to be like them and she kept the peace when she was around but then tragedy strikes and she is killed. All h*ll breaks out then and the t...
Hmm cant really say that I liked this one better or not but I read it much faster as it stuck to basically one storyline and answered all the questions from there..It was refreshing to see everything get neatly tied up with no new characters to distract you, you really get to feel Cartier and why...
Back Against The WallIn Checkmate readers find twins Apple and Kola still fighting but surprisingly not with one another. Apple is trapped in Mexico fighting for her life while Kola remains in New York fighting to maintain her reign on top. In this installment Kola is definitely the HBIC but it...