About book Checkmate (The Baddest Chick) Part 3 (2013)
Back Against The WallIn Checkmate readers find twins Apple and Kola still fighting but surprisingly not with one another. Apple is trapped in Mexico fighting for her life while Kola remains in New York fighting to maintain her reign on top. In this installment Kola is definitely the HBIC but it might be short lived as she's unsuspectedly ensnared into a war with her supplier. Kola is struggling to remain on top while Apple is desperate to reclaim her place on top.With their backs against the wall readers will see just what each sister is made of. The malice in her heart against her enemies is the only thing helping Apple to survive her deplorable conditions. That and the faith that her knight in armor Chico will come to her rescue. To the outside world it may appear that Chico has moved on but he's still hell bent on finding Apple. Although Apple was ruthless in part one I wouldn't wish her circumstances in part three on my worst enemy. Kola is still reeling from Cross' betrayal and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ironically its Cross whose feeling betrayed especially when he swayed by Edge's influence. When the body count begins to rise Kola may have to regroup and formulate a new plan of attack. Although parts two and three were not as enthralling as part one author Nisa Santiago still manages to keep readers invested in the Apple versus Kola saga. Hopefully the culmination in the final installment will be just as satisfying as its onset was in the first installment. Delonya ARC Book Club Inc.Final Rating 3 Stars Checkmate picks up with all the drama that Coca Kola left us with. Apple is trapped in the whorehouse waiting on Chico to hopefully rescue her, while being degraded more and more by the day. Even though I didn't like Apple you couldn't help but to feel sorry for her, with all that she was going through. Kola is still hurting from Cross's betrayal, but still flooding the streets with product. Eduardo (Kola's supplier) is still trying his best to get her to be his woman. Edge was up to his usual antics trying to get at Kola and trying to turn Cross against her as well. We are introduced to some new characters like Two-Face and he definitely lives up to his name. And Denise, the twins mother, is still up to no good and getting on everyone's nerves. There is still a war going on between Chico and Kola, but while Chico constantly thinks of Apple, Kola could care less. Kola's enemies are stacking up by the day, while Apple is still plotting her revenge. Will Apple make it out of the whorehouse? Will Kola lose the war against Chico? I read this book in one sitting and I wasn't ready for it to end. People are slipping and getting careless and I can't wait to see who will finally claim the throne. If you liked Bad Apple and Coca Kola then you will love this one.
Do You like book Checkmate (The Baddest Chick) Part 3 (2013)?
I think that it was the best of the three books. cant wait till the next book.