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Night Whispers (1999)

Night Whispers (1999)

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0671525743 (ISBN13: 9780671525743)
pocket books

About book Night Whispers (1999)

3 e 1/2 "Non ci sarebbero mai state prove. Eppure, una ne aveva. L'aveva sempre avuta. La prova era negli occhi di Sloan quando lo guardava, nelle sue braccia quando si stringeva a lui, nel suo cuore quando faceva l'amore con lui."Se non fosse stata la McNaught avrei dato quattro stelle piene, perché in fondo non è stata una brutta lettura, ma da lei so di potermi aspettare molto di meglio e da qui la mia delusione D: Quando ho letto "donna poliziotto" mi aspettavo una protagonista tutta d'un pezzo, con nervi d'acciaio e invece Sloan è una ragazza fin troppo idealista e ingenua...e da quando incontra Noah, ricco dongiovanni (che poteva essere caratterizzato un po' di più), si trasforma in una timida verginella dell'800 XD Il vero tosto è l'agente dell'FBI Richardson (nostra vecchia conoscenza) che troverà anche lui la sua dolce metà ma senza subire una trasformazione caratteriale ahaha XD In realtà alla fine, in un trionfo di zucchero, la McNaught "sistema" non solo Sloan ma anche la madre e la sorella, e non nascondo che avrei preferito seguire ben bene anche le loro storie d'amore, forse più interessanti della coppia principale XD Anche la parte suspance è un po' carente, si ravviva dopo la metà del libro con l'omicidio e relative indagini. Ho adorato la famiglia di Noah, la sorella Courtney e il padre Douglas, che per Sloan diventeranno in fretta quasi una seconda famiglia e anche il modo in cui la sorella ricca di Sloan, Paris, tira finalmente fuori il coraggio dopo anni di gabbia dorata ed esce fuori dal guscio! ;D Il padre invece lo avrei preso a calci sui denti dall'inizio alla fine XD L'epilogo è stato carino ma avrei voluto un bel finale completo, con riappacificazione e magari dichiarazione sentita invece del brusco taglio e il balzo temporale!D:

Ada yg kurang menurut gw...Bukan krna hero n heroine nya ketemu di bab 15,tp ky bukan nvl JM..Yg pasti pas bc gw gak ngerasain emosi yg biasa muncul pas bc nvl2 JM laen...Karakter2nya ky asal jadi githu... Aneh!Kecuali Courtney, satu2nya karakter yg bikin ni nvl menarik.Sloan Reynolds - seorang policewoman- di hubungi ayah kandungnya,Carter Reynolds yg telah menelantarkan dia dan ibunya sejak dia lahir.Carter mengundang Sloan berlibur di rumahnya di Palm Beach dgn alasan dia ingin mengenal putri bungsu nya yg tidak pernah dia lihat selama 30thn dan karena dia sedang 'sakit'..Sloan tentu saja menolak, krna dia 'membenci' ayah biologisnya itu.Tp setelah di 'bujuk' agen FBI Paul Richardson yg mencurigai bisnis ilegal Carter, akhirnya Sloan setuju pergi ke Palm Beach brsama Paul.. Menyamar tentu saja..Di Palm Beach Sloan brtemu dgn kakaknya Paris Reynolds dan 'tunangan' nya Noah Maitland.Yg kemudian di ketahui cm sekedar 'tunangan'.Sloan akhirnya 'jadian' ama Noah, n akrab bgt dgn Douglas ayah Noah dan Courtney adik tiri Noah.Noah Maitland, seperti hero2 JM laen nya.Luar biasa tampan, kaya, pintar n irresistible..Tp adegan2 romantis Noah-Sloan gw gak dapet feel nya ky kuranggg githu chemistry mrka bdua,Paul-Paris jg, gw gak dapet feel nya.Paul pas di Perfect kentara bgt rasa nya ke Julie,...Bahkan di beberapa adegan di Perfect gw benci bgt ma Paul krna dia sayang n care n yakin bgt Julie bakalan jadian ama dia.Lucu nya di sini dia keknya rada 'ogah2an' ama Paris.Ato mungkin krna part mrka bdua gak tlalu di sorot, ky Ted-Katherine di Perfect.Inti nya ini NW lumayan lha,buat yg suka pilem romance detektif2an pasti bakalan suka.Tp gw lebi demen Paradise, Perfect n Double Standards utk contempnya JM ^^

Do You like book Night Whispers (1999)?

3.5 starsAnother good read.... but ...Didn’t quite make the 5 stars though. Not sure what was missing but something was. “Being brave doesn't mean you're never afraid. Being brave means that, even though you're scared, you still do what you should do.”Even the sex scenes were lacking something! My expectations might have been a bit too high as I really liked the previous two books in the series.It was shorter than most of her other books and I found it ended sort of abruptly. I mean, I got closure and my HEA but there should have been something more.

Sloan is one of those heroines that, based on the blurb on back of the book, you're pretty sure you're going to hate. She's blonde, gorgeous, has no idea she's gorgeous, rescues children, kites, puppies, and old ladies, and can kick your butt if she feels the need. But somehow, I didn't hate her, probably because she was just so darn *nice*. Sloan is very happy being a policewoman (a very beloved policewoman - see aforementioned children, kites, puppies, and old ladies) in her small town whe her father calls her out of the blue. As it happens, Sloan has never met her uber-wealthy father - he abandoned her mother while she was pregnant with our heroine and tricked her into signing away all rights to their older daughter, Paris. So Sloan has no desire nor intention of reconciling with the man... until an FBI agent convinces her it's her duty to do so. You see, her father is under suspician of... something... and Mister FBI thinks the family bonding time would be an excellent way for him to get in and do some looking around. What is our poor heroine to do but pretend to be an airheaded interior designer and try to make nice with her coldly perfect society sister and possibly criminal (and nonetheless still despised) father. And the ridiculously handsome and even-more-ridiculously wealthy neighbor makes things even more interesting... A decently-crafted bit of romantic suspense. And I didn't want to throttle either hero or heroine when I was finished... Score one for McNaught.

Night Whispers was ok. Not the greatest. On the good side it did have quite a bit of suspense and I was really rooting for the villian not to be who I thought it was going to be. The reason that it fell flat for me was the romance aspect. There was potential for Noah (rich business man) and Sloan (female cop) to be really good but to me there was no chemistry. It seemed forced and not smooth. The ending was way to rushed. I think it was because the ending chapter wrapped up with her apologizing and then the Epilogue included their 3 year old daughter. I was "wtf" waaaay to quick. The secondary characters Paul Richardson (from Perfect) and Paris completly dropped off. The entire book included so much content about them and then they were gone with no ending. I didn't like that much.
—Michelle Kelly

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