Well I have only read two short stories from this pack:Miracles and Double Exposure.This will be my "Miracles" review. I had not really liked the character of Nick much cause of all his "cherry" crap, and also because i liked Clayton Westmoreland more, but I was still curious to read his story. B...
3 e 1/2 "Non ci sarebbero mai state prove. Eppure, una ne aveva. L'aveva sempre avuta. La prova era negli occhi di Sloan quando lo guardava, nelle sue braccia quando si stringeva a lui, nel suo cuore quando faceva l'amore con lui."Se non fosse stata la McNaught avrei dato quattro stelle piene, pe...
Decidely flat.Mitchell Wyatt grew up as an orphan, a ‘charity case’. Sure, he had the best education money can buy, but he had no one to claim him as part of their family. He spent holidays with friends from school, but that never lasted once they found out he was a ‘charity case’. But when Stavr...
A sweet romance. My Take Yes, it is formulaic in the general plotline but, oh, so interesting in how McNaught lays it out. I especially loved the retorts from Lauren as that angry 9-year old!Part of it made me furious, another made me sad, and overall, it just made me laugh to watch Lauren uncons...
* 2.5 I'm-really-getting-tired-of-this stars*This really should have been titled 'Taming of the Shrew- Part II' Too harsh? How about this: Well this sucks. Another McNaught favorite among many that I did not love. I feel like I should put out a disclaimer or apologize to my GR friends for clog...
TRIGGER WARNING : RAPE, swearing & violence in general► One thing I'm certain of is that this book isn't a romance. No. It's a sickening portray of a relationship where abuse in all its forms is romanticized, including rape.What kind of abuse? Please chose! Be my guest! Rape? Physical violence? P...
This review contains spoilers - Reading Whitney, My Love took me on such a roller coaster ride of emotions that I’ve been struggling with exactly how to review it and how to rate it. When I was upset and sobbing I wanted to give it a 1 star rating. When I was laughing, smiling and sighing, I want...