A sweet romance. My Take Yes, it is formulaic in the general plotline but, oh, so interesting in how McNaught lays it out. I especially loved the retorts from Lauren as that angry 9-year old!Part of it made me furious, another made me sad, and overall, it just made me laugh to watch Lauren unconsciously driving Nick so crazy and how his frustrations manifested in a driving pace in the office.While the story was enjoyable, it read more like an early manuscript in McNaught's writing career. Too shallow. The Story It's only the thought of her father's need for medical treatment that has Lauren considering Whitworth's suggestion. A suggestion she's already discarding even as she purposely fails the employment tests and wrecks her way through the job application. It's meeting that gorgeous engineer that has Lauren reconsidering a job with Sinclair Electronic Components.It's Nick's goading that causes Lauren to throw her natural reserve to the wind and take off with Nick for the weekend. A weekend in which a very naive girl from Missouri believes she can make a man like Nick fall in love with her. A weekend in which to fall in love. Two-and-a-half weeks in which to realize the futility of it.In the end, it's the value that Lauren places on herself that drives Nick mad. First as he treats her as he would any other of the women he's bedded, then when he attempts to storm her defenses. But Lauren holds herself dear and the silent alliance of Nick's friends go to work at helping her to increase her attraction to him. And it has its effects as Nick drives everyone around him at a furious pace, frustrated with Lauren's refusals.But then it all falls apart in typical McNaught fashion when Nick learns of her betrayal. Or, the partial betrayal. In his anger, he refuses to hear her side and she flees home. The Characters Lauren Danner is a much-removed cousin of the Whitworths with a much-remembered disgust of the family from a visit fourteen years earlier. With her father out of work and no health insurance, the major heart attack he suffered needs mass infusions of money. It's why Lauren is here considering the idea of spying at Sinco to find out which Whitworth employee is sabotaging the company. Nicholas Sinclair is the owner of Sinco and Global Industries. A womanizer. A playboy. After his first night with the virginal Lauren, he informs her that he "didn't mind if they'd had sexual relationships with lots of other men". That people didn't have to be in love to make love. Tony owns a lovely Italian restaurant started with a loan from Nick's grandfather. The two families have known each other forever; Ricco, Dominic, and Joe are Tony's sons. Mary Callahan, Nick's corporate secretary, has been with Nick from the very start when Nick and his grandfather started the company. Mr. Weatherby is the poor unfortunate personnel manager at Sinco. Jim Williams is one of Nick's oldest friends and Lauren's boss at Sinco. Much quicker on the uptake than Lauren, he quickly realizes that Nick is falling in love with her and greatly enjoys pushing Nick's buttons. It's Jack Collins in security who set Lauren's doom in place; he's also one of her fairy godfathers at the end.Ericka Moran is just one of the women in Nick's life. She's the one who caused Nick to send Lauren home early from that weekend. Vicky is another. Of course, at the weekend party, Lauren encountered a number of Nick's old lovers.Philip Whitworth and his wife Carol with their son Carter are such scum. I'd have loved it if McNaught had written a sequel detailing their financial demise. The Cover The cover is autumnal reds with a peach band through the middle with the author's name and title is one, Double Standards, that accurately reflects the change in Nick's perspective on people being free to explore their own desires.
Bu yorum aynı zamanda Romancekolikte yayınlanmıştır.Kitabı bitirdim ve bilemiyorum belki uzun zaman oldu Judith McNaught okumayalı, tarzını unuttum veya bu kitap gerçektende diğerlerinden farklıydı. Kurgusu olsun, karakterleri olsun değişikti. Severek , beğenerek okudum. Nick'in kendinden emin tavırları, konuşmaları, hareketleri kimi zaman beni benden alacak kadar sinirlendirsede, iş tatlıya bağlandığı için mesudum. Yazarımızın bundan sonra çıkıpta okucağımız kitaplar arasında kötünün iyisiydi. Bir Sana İhtiyacım Var kadar da hayalkırıklığına uğratmadı beni hikaye . Biraz kitabı anlatayım. Karakterlerimiz Lauren ve Nick. Lauren 22 yaşında kendine güzel bir müzik kariyeri yapmış ama bütün hayatının böyle olmasını istemiyor. Maddi durumlardan dolayı babasının uzaktan zengin bir akrabasına iş görüşmesi ayarlamasını mecburen kabul edip görüşmeye gittiğinde hikaye şekillenmeye başlıyor. Zengin akraba olan Philip Whitworth aynı zamanda Nick'in üvey babasıdır. Üvey oğlunun ihalelerini elinden sürekli alması onu hırslandırmış, şirket içinde casus olduğu düşüncesine itmiştir. Bunun üzerine Lauren'ı casus diye Nick'in şirketine yollar. Kız kabul etsede ilk başta teklifi sonradan vazgeçer ve mulakatı bilerek kötü geçer. Ama kader ağlarını karmaşık şekilde örmüş ve kızın karşısına Nick Sinclair'i çıkarmıştır. Hoşuma giden bir dialoğu sizlerle paylaşayım.Nick - Beni özledin mi?Lauren - Sence?N - Güzel ne kadar özledin?L - Bugün egonun okşanmasına mı ihtiyacın var?N - EvetL - Öyle mi, neden peki?N - Çünkü 23 yaşında güzel bir kadına vuruldum ve onu bir türlü aklımdan çıkaramıyorum.L - Çok yazıkN - Değil mi? O tenime batan bir diken, ayağımın altında beliren bir su kabarcığı gibi, gözleri meleksi, vücudu aklımı uyuşturuyor, ayrıca bir ingilizce profesörünün kelime bilgisine ve bıçak kadar keskin bir dile sahipL - Teşekkür etmeliyim sanırım. (Nick onu kendine doğru çekti)N - "Ve ondan hoşlanıyorum " diye ekledi.Kitabın sonundaki Nick'in kıza yaptıkları karşısında isyan havaları estirdim evde resmen. Gözüm doldu kaç kere kızın o hallerine. Hele Nick'in annesine 5 yaşındayken Noel hediyesi alması olayı hüzünlendirdi ya :( Kısa ve öz süper kitaptı =)
Do You like book Double Standards (1991)?
I had forgotten how breathtakingly wonderful a writer is Judith McNaught. I had also forgotten how heartbreaking, exciting and depressing the reading of romance novels are. I've been looking for something gripping, set in modern times, sexy, entertaining and fast paced. I got all of this in Double Standards. I now understand why my friends had gushed about this book years ago. It was a time when we were wide eyed, inadept about matters of the heart and easily swayed. And love was a magical thing.It's a great book to pass the time. The characters will engage you to feel a rainbow of feelings. I was taken aback by how I couldn't put down the book. Slept badly this week because of it - although it is a common illness of mine to be a slave to my books. I do regard this addiction as a sign of high entertainment value.. that even in a delirious state of lack of sleep, I would struggle to read and read to the next page until such that I can satisfactorily put my imaginations to rest.Judith McNaught proves herself as a personal favorite and having read her book for the first time in years again, I am quite happy to rediscover my love for her writing.Impressions: Torn, Beautiful, Sexy, Well-paced, Cliche
—Miki Akasako
Sì, este es de los màs flojos que tiene, para mi junto con el de una mujer que se enamora de un chico latino. Pero no lo dejes, el resto sì està a la altura
—Cassandra Dexter Colby
REVIEW OF AUDIOBOOK; FEB 22, 2014Narrator: Margaret BallI love these oldies. Even when I know it'll be like a train wreck approaching and I still can't look the other way.And so it was with DS, written in 1986. The good thing about it, when I am brave enough to tackle a romance written in the bad ol '80s is that I can't complain about any nasty surprises. I am prepared for the nasty and all that I judge the book on is whether the story's compelling and whether I find the male lead attractive (or can forgive him by the end of the book).Double Standards is quintessential 80s contemporary romance and I loved it. Lauren isn't just a virgin, she's smart, with a great sense of humor and able to hold her own against the successful, wealthy Nick Sinclair.It's been thirty years since I first read this and, as is to be expected, had forgotten the details. I did still remember, though, that it had to do with the heroine infiltrating the hero's company and the train wreck that follows when they fall in love. I'd normally stay away from these nowadays but nothing in my audiobook shelves interested me, I was already bored with J D Robb (stopped at Vengeance, book 6) and decided on this old McNaught when a friend offered. I borrowed two from her - the other one is Someone to Watch Over Her whereas DB was originally from my friend's cassette tapes she made in CDs first, them mp3. I'm hoping this and Perfect will be re-released. There are so many good romances and romantic suspenses out there from yesteryear that I want to see in downloadable mp3 with new narrators.