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My Wicked Marquess (2009)

My Wicked Marquess (2009)

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3.2 of 5 Votes: 4
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0061733954 (ISBN13: 9780061733956)

About book My Wicked Marquess (2009)

*****SPOILERS LIKELY*****My first book from this author and I am torn. I couldn't decide between giving 3 or 4 stars, and no, I can't split the middle and go 3.5. At times this book really is 4, if not almost 5. At other times, this is a 3, at best. It's almost as if this was written by two different people.The premise for the series, The Inferno Club, is very good, I was pretty excited about it. I love secret societies, warrior-type heroes, and this was right up my alley. The Inferno Club is almost like special forces, with their intensive training and clandestine missions, traveling all over the continent to stop evil - all without ever receiving the public recognition for their service.The characters themselves were interesting enough, I liked both of them fairly well, but at times they both got on my nerves. Max, our hero was charming one minute, and then all doom and gloom the next. It didn't quite gel with me that he would be so devilish and charming with everyone, and in the next instance he would be lost and heartbroken and desperate because no one loved him. Also, this might be nitpicking, but a manly, brawling tough hero does not go about saying 'Oh dear.' It made me think of Winnie the Pooh saying 'Oh bother.' Daphne had the same little bits of inconsistencies for me. In the beginning it was all about her charity and helping the poor orphans, and wanting her friends to give so much money to buy an orphanage, then she goes home to get ready for a ball and goes on about her specially made dress, and all the trimmings and all her potions and lotions and everything to look her best. She dearly missed her mother, or so that's the reason given for wanting total control over her life, but we never really hear about her mother, why was she so great that her absence makes Daphne upset. At times she loathes her stepmother, and others she appreciates her help in planning the wedding and organizing things for the orphanage. Daphne felt very childish to me when she didn't get her way, and often flew off the handle rather quickly, instead of trying to take things rationally, like an adult. Twice she doesn't her way, and both times she basically runs off. Together, I wasn't overly excited about them, more just, eh, whatev.The Order and the plot lines with Albert Carew and Drake and what happens to the kidnapped girl were all exciting and interesting, making me want to keep going on, so I will. It won't be for a few books, but oh, after all Drake has been thru, I'm so anxious for his story! Talk about a truly tortured hero!One last note: I cannot tell a lie - I like super steamy love scenes, like make my toes curl and turn me green with envy kind. While this was not the purple prose stuff I can only laugh at, it did leave me less than satisfied. Way less. In fact, it felt like a big tease. The sexual tension would build, painfully slow, but it would build, and then. . . . then. . . . not much. The climax would be there, but either it was only implied, or non-existent, or just too flowery worded, it made my eyes want to roll. And I didn't really feel the connection between Max and Daphne then. When they were arguing or flirting when they first officially met, I felt their draw to each other. During intimate moments, it was gone.I am continuing on, but only because I need to see what happens to Drake. I hope it's good! Uzun zamandır guzel bir historical romance okumadım, umarım kitap kapagı kadar guzeldir diyerek elime aldım ve okumaya başladım. Kayboldum okurken! Öyle guzel ve tatmin edici bir hikayeydi ki. Waterloo savaşına ve üye oldugu Aziz Michael Teşkilatına, görevlerini tam olarak yerine getirdigi için bağlı olan kelepçelerinin çözüldügünü umarak bir aile kurmak için araştırmalara girişen Max'in elindeki gelin aday listesini incelerken başlıyor kitap. (tanrım nasıl uzun bir cümle kurdum öyle!) Gelinlerden birisinde duraklıyor, hakkındaki rapor onu cezbediyor ve gelin adayını yakından görmek için takibe başlıyor. Kızımız da bir iyilik melegi oldugu kadar kıvrak zekalı ve cok guzel. Daphne Starling, gökteki yıldızlar kadar güzel Max için. Rotherstone Markisi yada Şeytan Marki Max için:) Max'in kıza ısınması, ardından o gider diye bir baloya katılması sonucu çiftimiz tanışıyorlar. Bundan sonra Daphne, Max i görmüyor, sadece onun üye oldugu Cehennem Kulubü'ndeki arkadaşlarıyla yaptıklarının dedikodularından haberdar oluyor. Aralarında birşeylerin kıvılcımlandıgını sanmıştı Daphne. Acaba yanıldı mı? Max iki hafta sonra bir teklifle dönüyor Daphne'ye. Ancak bu teklif kızın başını döndürmekle birlikte kafasını kurcalıyor, duygularından emin olamıyor, bu yakışıklı beyefendiyi begense de ona güvenemiyor.Markinin o yeşil gözlerinde tutkuyu görse de sevgi göremiyor derken adamımız onu bir şekilde ikna edip gelini yapıyor. Sonrası kitapta. Kitabın çevirisi oldukça güzeldi, Epsilon bu kez bizleri üzmemiş. Ancak kitabımız bir serinin ilk kitabı. Serinin 6.sını yazar şuan yazıyor ve Ağustos 2013te yayımlayacak. Ancak biz o tarihe kadar Türkiye'de 2.kitabı görebilir miyiz? orası muamma işte. Umarım yayınevi vukuatlarına yenisini eklemez.

Do You like book My Wicked Marquess (2009)?

Good book but the narratives are sometimes too long. I found myself skipping some parts.



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