About book More Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops (2013)
I absolutely loved it. There were a few references that I didn't get, but there were also some conversations that made me giggle out loud. I collected a few to put with this review, scroll down for those. Those aren't the only ones that made me laugh out loud, just a few. This book would be really good for on the toilet or when you have just a few minutes to spare. As there is no story line, you can just pick it up when- and where ever you like. As Neil Gaiman said: "So funny, so sad... Read it and sigh".This review and many more on blookersam.wordpress.com Un libro que trata sobre lo que dicen las personas en las librerías. Aquí he reunido los mejores: CUSTOMER (picking up a copy of Little Women): Is this book about really short people?CUSTOMER (to her friend): You know the book War Horse?CUSTOMER'S FRIEND: Yeah.CUSTOMER: It's about horses during a war, right?CUSTOMER'S FRIEND: Yeah, I think so.CUSTOMER: But, like, how did they interview the horses to find out what it was like during the war?CUSTOMER'S FRIEND: Dunno.CUSTOMER (clicks her fingers): Got it. Did they use a horse whisperer or something?CUSTOMER'S FRIEND: I guess they must have done. CUSTOMER: That's, like, so cool.CUSTOMER: Do yoy have Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Abracadabra?(Bookseller sees a customer putting some garlic on a bookshelf)BOOKSELLER: ... Er, excuse me, can I ask what are you doing?CUSTOMER: These books are about vampires. I'm taking precautions.WOMAN: I think my grandson has swallowed a love potion. Do you have a book that has an antidote?BOOKSELLER: Why do you think he's swallowed a love potion?WOMAN: He's completely besotted with a girl who is not good enough for him. Not good enough at all!BOOKSELLER: ...WOMAN: I didn't believe in love potions myself, you know, but now I'm not so sure.BOOKSELLER: I see.(Pause)WOMAN (angrily): Kids! They've got all sorts of ideas in their heads these days. It's all because of that Harry Potter!
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