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Mile High (2012)

Mile High (2012)

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R.K. Lilley

About book Mile High (2012)

Really enjoyed this book. I loved when they went out on the horses (very steamy), but I'm just a tad confused about James's horse trainer not sure if there will be more explanation to his part in this story in the third book or not. Only because James would be willing to let anyone go,including long time friends, yet the horse trainer wasn't, which is shocking because the way James is so overprotective I thought he would have let him go on the spot and why would he let her go out there alone knowing he was like that. Stephan has changed a little and I felt like I missed him in this book. There are many very erotic scenes and when it comes to the details of the BDSM it's always written perfect, actually better and more detailed then most I've read in other books. There were parts like where she would text James after landing back in Vegas and he would respond back differently then expected and just a few other things I noticed as if some small parts of the book were somewhat rushed when written. Nothing that would make me not like the story and Im still looking forward to reading the third book now. I'm just hoping that third will have just as much detail to the story as the sex does. I felt the story in this second book was just a tad bit lacking then it was in the first, but I still enjoyed it. 3.5-4.0 starsBianca's mindset of stubborn avoidance and denial forces her to go through a lot of unnecessary shit. It was so annoying watching her dig her own hole. It's so hard to like the main character when she's so whiney and self-deprecating. She could have easily saved her and James from a lot of doubt and worry by sucking up her insecurities and low self-esteem and actually talk things out like a normal person. Obviously, I'm rooting for their relationship the whole time, but I wish Bianca didn't make it so exhausting to like them. But James was totally perfect and patient thank goodness *swoon* He more than made up for her ridiculousness. Aside from the typical exes of his past that come back and poke at Bianca's insecurities, James was absolutely perfect.Aside from all the relationship angst, I really missed Stephan in this book. He wasn't as present as he was in the first book and he's probably my favorite character. But the few scenes that he was included in were so sweet; he's such a genuine friend. I want a Stephan in my life (,:The ending was kind of a weird cliffhanger. Obviously this is a smut trilogy but the author tries to make it action-suspenseful with the whole mystery and threat of Bianca's apeshit dad on the loose. Kind of weird because that issue is brought up at such random times, but whatever. On to the last book!

Do You like book Mile High (2012)?

Best BDSM book I've read so far!

Good book. Fun characters.

Damn that was HOT!



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