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Lana (2000)

Lana (2000)

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About book Lana (2000)

uggggg.......So call me spoil I don't care, but damn I wanted this book to be so much more. I wanted a trilogy like Tristan and Danika, or even James and Bianca. I needed the cat chase, I needed the emotional revelation. Don't get me wrong, I still loved this book, but I wanted to see more in depth characteristics of Lana's beauty and spirit. Hawaii is a paradise, and I know that settings could have set a bigger stage for more. I kinda felt cheated. No worries though, cause it all ended well. After reading the Up in the Air series I was looking forward to this novella. I couldn't wait to find out what happened between Lana and Akira. The story was short and to the point but I fully enjoyed having another look into the world R. K. Lilley has created. If you have read the UitA series then I highly suggest you read this one as well. You won't be disappointed except for the fact that you'll wish it was longer.

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The Rock!?! That's who I imagined was Akira

Bir tristian - danika degil :((

Too rushed!

too short

PART 2???

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