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Marrying The Master (2013)

Marrying the Master (2013)

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Chloe Cox

About book Marrying The Master (2013)

I have to be honest I read the first book of the Volare series, Sold To The Sheik, and was turned off to the Nth degree. I just couldn't with the whole BDSM scenes with the collars and leashes UGH. A friend of mine finally convinced me that I would like this one and to my shock I did. I really loved this book. The Volare Club was really a backdrop to a spectacular love story. Roman and Lola have known each other for years and they both run Club Volare, which is a sex club. Roman is a Dom and Lola is known as a a Switch, meaning she can either be a Sub or a Mistress. The Sex Club is outted in an exposé which brings out the politicians trying to shut it down because of some 17th century law technicality. To solve the issue Roman will need to marry Lola. Lola has had feelings for Roman for years, even though at one time he was married. Roman's wife has since passed away and left him closed down emotionally. The marriage has awakened feelings in the both of them, mostly lust in the beginning, or at least that's what Roman owns up to. Everyone else in their circle can see they are both crazy about each other. I am not gonna lie, the passion sizzles right off the page. Roman is the consummate alpha Dom and he doesn't share, his protection of Lola, even though amped up,is very sweet. I fell in love with these two people because they ultimately healed each other and created their own HEA. Even in submissive mode Lola was still pretty strong and a very able business woman. She wanted not only Roman's passion but his love and respect. I loved that she called him out on his hypocrisy at one point and I loved that he owned up to it. I loved that he worked to deserve her love in the end. This was a really solid love story for me. ANOTHER CHLOE COX GEM =)I am fascinated with the BDSM scene but the closest I would ever get would be in a book or film! I love Chloe Cox...she writes such vividly, entertaining stories about beautiful people in wild situations. I loved the premise of the story and the whole "having to get married to save the club" throwing Roman and Lola together! It was so sexy and wild and daring. A fun and hot bedtime story!! *****5 smoldering stars

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