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Madeleine Abducted (2013)

Madeleine Abducted (2013)

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3.27 of 5 Votes: 9
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Smashwords Edition

About book Madeleine Abducted (2013)

Wow a brilliant second book to Joseph Fallen (The Estate series). Madeleine Abducted takes us into the life of Aaron Carmichael and the sick & twisted games his father Joseph plays to try and push Aaron into the twisted, sickening madness of his world and that of the Estate.Aaron is cold and distant never showing any signs of weakness which his father could use against him until he delivers a single red rose to Madeline.Maddy is a shy little 'Mouse', a virgin who has never seen a naked male, abducted and thrown into the world of a slave and the rules of the Estate. I loved this book and the way it unfolded, kept me gripped and the ending was brilliant ~ no spoilers from me. Well! Actually i should say "Almost read it" i just scan on spoilers and say to myself "What. The. Hell. Is. That?" Are you serious? Thoses dark books are growing darker! WE are growing darker! Reading them like our life depended on it.What everybody love in "Captive in the dark" was the fact that heroine was strong enough to survive! What happen? I mean where are our HEA? Can this even be call an HEA?I'm sorry, but i need a break, i need to scan my biblio and clean it! I'm going to send thoses books in the nearest trash, beginning with "Joseph Fallen" because i think i'm not twisted enough to drag my soul into darkness.I want and NEED some hero with some kind of morals, someone who knows his wrongs and is changing for love, NOT changing that love.All thoses heroines are just suffering of stockholm syndroms, and i'm tired of brutal, fearless, savage, asshole, rapist hero!So, to put it simply, if your mind is as weak as mine, or if you want to live in the light, run far away. Or you will also be trapped in the Estate.

Do You like book Madeleine Abducted (2013)?

4.5 Devastatingly Dark stars. Really loved this book however nothing could top Joseph Fallen.

Enjoyed. .. pretty good in some parts... slow in others... but overall pretty good. .

If you're going to go dark, go all the way.

Truly awful.

3.5 stars

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