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Conflict (2013)

Conflict (2013)

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About book Conflict (2013)

This book picks up where Control (Book 1) left off. Paige isn't liking how long it is taking the cops to find Chris. So of course the PI in her has to take control of the situation and find him herself. Some of the questions from Control become clear at the end of this book as well.There were parts with gut wrenching pain, scary parts, and plenty of love scenes. M. S. Willis has captivated me with this series. I am ready to read the next book please. She has a way of pulling you into the story and making you feel like you were there. There was a scene between Chris and Paige where I felt like I was there. It was awesome.David hasn't lost his touch after the 'Incident' in book 1. He is still by far my favorite character. His antics did a lot to lighten the feel of the book. He is the funniest and most intriguing character in the book. But then of course there is Daemon who is a mystery most of this book. Not only that but he is pure hotness!M. S. Willis has not let her readers down so far and I highly recommend this series to everybody. There are touchy subjects but while some of it is heavy and deep there are a lot of light and funny parts. Not to mention a couple kind of steamy scenes. She blends them all together well and leaves you wanting more. Can't wait to read Conquer! This is the second book in the Control series. Paige is now having to live with Daemon, at least until Chris is captured. She struggles with keeping her independence while Daemon insists on not letting her out of his sight. Daemon is also constantly trying to get Paige to want to be more than a "roommate." As they continue to live together, Daemon and Paige also share more of their past with one another.There is one more book in this series. I'm anxious to see how it ends and I think I liked this second book better than the first!!

Do You like book Conflict (2013)?

Loved it!!!Paige does some very very stupid things but the books are getting better and better.

review to come with last book! Can't wait to start it!

I love this series! I can't wait to read book 3.

My goodness this book had it all!

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