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Because Of Ellison (2000)

Because of Ellison (2000)

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Finished it, but wasn't really that great. The quantity of grammatical errors in my e-copy was so many it was laughable. Aside from that, I felt that the secondary characters (Hunter's parents, Tiffany, Finn) were stereotypes that were unrealistic and unbelievable. Also, Hunter's own transformation just seemed a little unrealistic and without any obstacles. Also, how does Hunter get a job as a bartender when he is only 19 ? Really ???? 4 cupcakesThis book was gifted to me by Sweets Books and M.S. Willis.The book begins with an older beat down Hunter walking to a podium to accept recognition for something, which will all fall into place in the end. He tells the audience he wrote a basic speech with tons of medical jargon and bs about why he was inspired to do what he did, but when he stepped on stage he decide to toss the speech and tell the true reason why he did what he did. This leads back 50 years to when he drove his BMW in to his parent’s pool after one of many nights of drinking and doing hard drugs. His parents shipped him to his hillbilly uncle who live in the middle of nowhere and told him to figure out his life. Well in three short months he did, thanks to his Uncle Bill, Cousin Lily, and the one person who actually got through his thick skull Ellison. His Uncle Bill taught him what it was like to be proud of his work and also put use to his talents not take advantage, his cousin Lily was his support system, which is something he had never experienced in 19 years, and made him realize how stupid he was sometimes and also how special he was. Last but not least Ellison made him feel love, compassion, and made him realize there was something in his life worth fighting for, her. Unfortunately tragedy strikes Ellison once again in the form of cancer in her father. Hunter went away like Ellison wanted him to, and he went to Harvard. But he got this feeling something wasn’t right and he wasn’t meant to be there. He was right. Will Ellison be able to function and love? Does Hunter follow his heart? Will all the lesson and advice take Hunter to the right place? Read the book! I really enjoyed this book. Hunter seemed like a regular teenager who was lost in what most experience and got the wakeup call he needed. Most parents would have noticed long before but unfortunately if the genius child is like a trophy they look the other way. I love how Hunters hillbilly side of the family set him straight and gave him the building blocks needed to be a functioning human being. I really loved Ellison because of how spunky she was and he takes no shit personality. My favorite part was the fish and the scenes surrounding those hikes. Very descriptive and all out amazing. I hated the fact that there were a lot of mistakes and missing words. Made the read a little confusing sometimes and I had to actually think of what word actually belonged there or words sometimes. All in all though the story was amazing and actually made since in the fact that most readers would understand how it felt or know people like that.This book is Romance with a country twang. Great for new adults and 18+ due to sex scenes. Definitely leaning towards country instead of anything else do to the fact that it wasn’t about sex, and drugs it was about a hillbilly town with a family who functioned in the middle of nowhere.

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This was a really sweet, beautiful story! I loved it! :)

Now this one sounds AMAZING :)

Well ... I loved this book!!

Got my ARC woo hoo

Jan 14, 2014

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