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Lovely Trigger (2000)

Lovely Trigger (2000)

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About book Lovely Trigger (2000)

After being lost in Danika and Tristan's world for, BT and RB and feeling like your riding their emotional roller coaster.. I was expecting more from LT.It sadly not as great as I hope it would be and fell a bit flat for me.The whole book didn't exactly attend to their past and the important 'talk' until almost 90% and the rest was full of make up sex bandaid page after page.I needed the emotional closure and I wanted more of their emotions instead of physical reunion.And in book three you get to meet most of the cast of in flight series when it's hardly introduced in the other two books. It's slightly confusing and the ending feels like a rush wrap up instead of slow build up like previous two books.I love Tristan and Danika together, I want their HEA and I was hoping for more and didn't get that.It's a let down for me but still good read overall. Love is not about goodLove doesn't let you walk away clean.Love is messy. Love takes a fucking piece of you before it's done.Yesss, I'm messed up by this book! Thanks R. K Lilley...You know what?! I even reread right after I finished it.I just feel soooo much happy, real happiness for Tristan & Danika. Such a long journey for them both."Hi Ming, I'm your daddy. You have no idea how long your mommy and I have been waiting for you"Ooohhhh Myyyyy, that's enough for making me sobbed uncontrolly!

Do You like book Lovely Trigger (2000)?

beautiful HEA! finally! this one was my favorite out of the 3. less drama.

Ugh, I don't think I could love a series more. Beautifully written!

I love the book i absolutely love the characters must read book.

It was a great ending to a good story

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