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Just A Bit Twisted (2014)

Just a Bit Twisted (2014)

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2.92 of 5 Votes: 15
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Alessandra Hazard

About book Just A Bit Twisted (2014)

The writing was decent but the characters were not very deep -- lots of telling without much showing. And I don't think the person who wrote this has ever met a four year old in person (MC Shawn has four year old twin sisters he takes care of). They were the most well behaved four year olds I've ever encountered and they only intruded when the story needed them to (unlike any real four year old I've ever met. :-D). The story was pretty hot though. :) it only took a day to finish the book.well, its very light reading and i always have a thing with teacher/student relationship.if you read yaoi manga a lot, you will familiar with this book. Shawn was firstly doubt but he had need to be filled such as grades and money. of course i have been there. but the crazy shit started as he offered his lecturer a "special offer" as an exchange deal. well, he was absolutely in desperate situation. another new level when the Professor started to offer him money. wow, this book had read my mind.

Do You like book Just A Bit Twisted (2014)?

I love this book but a little too fast ! :c leave me wanting more

I absolutly loved this. GFY people will like this one

I wish it was longer! A great short read though.


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