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Alessandra Hazard

Alessandra Hazard
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 2.84

Books by Alessandra Hazard


Just a Bit Twisted (2014)

The writing was decent but the characters were not very deep -- lots of telling without much showing. And I don't think the person who wrote this has ever met a four year old in person (MC Shawn has four year old twin sisters he takes care of). They were the most well behaved four year olds I've...

Just a Bit Twisted (2014) by Alessandra Hazard

Straight Boy: A Short Story (2014)

Oh my god. This. Is. So. Fucking hot. It was written just like the two books in the series. I think I like it even more than the stories of the main characters. I need more from Xavier and Sage. Their story is just so good. At least for me. I really enjoyed reading this one. I think it's too shor...

Straight Boy: A Short Story (2014) by Alessandra Hazard

Just a Bit Obsessed (2014)

This was a little better than the first book. Learned a little more about the characters and I actually felt more engaged in their growing relationship (which also felt slightly more realistic). Also, no "adorable" plot moppets, so that's a plus! Also hot. Lots of chemistry between the MCs Ch...

Just a Bit Obsessed (2014) by Alessandra Hazard

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