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Just A Bit Obsessed (2014)

Just a Bit Obsessed (2014)

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2.21 of 5 Votes: 8
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Alessandra Hazard

About book Just A Bit Obsessed (2014)

This was a little better than the first book. Learned a little more about the characters and I actually felt more engaged in their growing relationship (which also felt slightly more realistic). Also, no "adorable" plot moppets, so that's a plus! Also hot. Lots of chemistry between the MCs Christian and Alexander - reluctant on the part of Alexander. Oh and at least a third of the book is a menage relationship between Christian and Alexander and his girlfriend Mila, so be prepared for girl parts. :-D Entertaining enough, but not quite as good as the first book in the series. Too much of the second half of the book was taken up with the "straight" guy, Alexander trying to fight off his attraction to his love interest, Chris, which didn't leave anytime for a real resolution. Important issues regarding bedroom actives were left unresolved so I just couldn't to buy into their HEA. Unlike the first book, I simply didn't believe that the supposed "straight" guy had found long lasting happiness with a dude.I also noticed quite a lot of typos.

Do You like book Just A Bit Obsessed (2014)?

I wish there was a bit more about them actually being together. Can't wait for Jareds book!

I liked this book. It wasn't as good as the first 2 but still a great read.

Like how other characters show up from the other book.

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