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Il Segreto Di Cathy (2008)

Il segreto di Cathy (2008)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 5
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About book Il Segreto Di Cathy (2008)

This series just keeps getting better! If I thought the first book was addicting, this one was impossible to put down. Cathy's Key is riveting from page one; so much so that I was up until the wee hours of the night (/morning) reading it! I don't even know what else to say; basically I'd just be repeating all the same things that other reviewers have said. Amazing book + amazing series--this may be a Young Adult book series but it definitely holds something in it for all of us. This one wasn't as good as the first. It was half sequel, half anti-war diatribe, and Jewel was one of my least favorite kinds of unrealistic. She could and did get away with everything, and people constantly underestimated her, and she apparently didn't care about anyone but herself. Very annoying to read.However, it's still a very fun kind of book and I hope it becomes popular. I can see this style being really amazing.

Do You like book Il Segreto Di Cathy (2008)?

This book is awesome. This series is awesome. I love it and am looking forward to the next one. :)

I loved "cathy's book" and i'm not disappointed with "cathy's key"! I recommand!

Sequel to Cathy's Book. As awesome as the first book, with a very funny ending.

I think these books/transmedia experiments are lots of fun.

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